The Dream

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Dustin's POV

Everything was in a blur. I saw the paramedics come and put Riker into an ambulance but it didn't feel real. Nothing felt real right now.

I saw a paramedic come close to me and start talking but I couldn't hear what he was saying. I was in a trance, until someone laid their hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Ross with tears running down his face.

My heart broke at the sight.

I wrapped my arms around his torso and pulled him closer. He wrapped his arms around my head and help it while he kept crying into my hair.

I felt his tears land in my hair and drip down my neck, but I didn't let go of Ross to wipe them away. He needed me right now.

I let him cry on me for a couple minutes before I started crying myself.

So, now we were just crying in the middle of Hershey Park while paramedics were loading up to start heading towards the hospital.


Ross' POV

After we stopped crying, we got into the rental car and followed the ambulance to Hershey Medical Hospital.

Now, we were in the waiting area.

I already called my family and told them that Riker was... Shot. They're coming down on the soonest flight they can get.

This is all my fault. He took that bullet for me, he shouldn't have. I should've been the one who was shot.

But no, now I'm here in the waiting area while Riker is in the middle of surgery.

At least I think he is. I don't even know what they're doing right now, they won't tell us anything. And it's really making me scared.

I'm scared of losing my brother.

Riker's POV

I hear birds chirping all around me. I feel the earth underneath my back. I'm laying down and I can't get up. It's even hard for me to open my eyes, but I eventually get them open. I open them slowly to see treetops above me.

Nine trees precisely. The trees are in a circle, surrounding me.

Above them is the beautiful blue sky. Brighter than anything I've ever seen. There are no clouds, just the blue atmosphere.

And I can see fog all around the trees. The nine trees are holding the fog back. They're gurading me from the fog. From darkness.

From death.

But they're losing power. They're giving out. This is too hard for them. They need hope, they need my help, they need me.

I try to lift my arms but they won't move, nor will my legs.

My body won't move.

The trees give in and the fog glides around them, through the branches, killing the trees in the process. The trees slowly die and disappear from my sight as the fog surrounds me.

Tears start streaming down my face and I take a deep breath and close my eyes as the fog completely takes me under.

As I close my eyes, I hear laughter. A sweet laughter that I've heard before. It sounds so recognizable, yet I can't recognize whose it is. But before I can think any further, the laughter turns into crying.

That's when I notice who it is.

Just that voice gives me power.

Hopefully, it'll be enough power to survive.

Perfect Love (A Gay Ross Lynch fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now