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Dustin's POV

There was blood everywhere. All across my arms and across his chest. I kept trying to apply pressure to the wound but it just wouldn't stop bleeding.

It wouldn't stop.

5 Hours Earlier

Veronica just called me, telling me about how yesterday Riker showed up at her door. But I already knew...Riker is staying with us. He called Ross and told him everything and then asked if he could stay here. So, I asked my mom and she said yes and now he's asleep on the couch downstairs.

I turned over in my bed and looked at Ross. He was still sleeping. His bottom lip was poked out a little and his eyebrows were scrunched up like he was thinking.

He was absolutely adorable.

He sat up and got out of bed, it was a struggle getting Ross' and my legs untangled though. I walked out of the room and went downstairs. I walked past Riker who was still asleep ok the couch and into the kitchen.

I started up making breakfast. I decided on making eggs and bacon.

About halfway through making breakfast, I heard someone walk into the kitchen. I turned around and saw a very tired Riker with terrible bedhead. "Good morning." I said.

"Morning." He responded while stretching. I returned back to my cooking. "You need help with that?" I heard him ask.

"That would be great!" I responded with a smile.

He approached the stove and I handed him the frying pan with the eggs in it. I made sure to keep and eyes on both the eggs and the bacon while he started small conversation.

"How have you been?" He asked.

"Pretty good." I responded. "I'm sorry that you had to find out about... Jared... And Veronica... The way you did..."

He sucked in a big breath. "It's fine." He said but I could see right past his lie. It wasn't fine.

He wasn't fine.

He took the frying pan off the stove and turned the eggs towards me. "Is this good?" He asked, showing me the eggs.

I looked at them and nodded my head, taking off the bacon at the same time.

I grabbed plates and silverware and glasses and started setting up the table. Abigail and my mom and Ross all came down the stairs.

"Ooh, something smells nice." My mom complimented as she came into the kitchen.

Ross came to my side and wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek. "Good morning." He smiled and I smiled back.

"BACON!" I heard my sister yell as she ran up to the table and grabbed a piece of bacon before shoving it into her mouth.

We all silently laughed at my sister.


After breakfast, me and Ross decided to take Riker out to cheer him up. He's just been so down.

We were debating on places to go while we walked around looking at random shops. I turned to them. "How about we go to Hershey Park?" Ross and Riker both looked at me confused. "You know the Hershey bars?" I asked and they both nodded. "They originated in Pennsylvania and there is a whole amusement park." I explained to them slowly.

Ross eyebrows scrunched up and just as he was about to talk, Riker cut in. "That's stupid!" He exclaimed. "What's the point in making a whole amusement park based off a candy brand?"

"There's actually a whole town..." I explained.

"Why?!" He yelled, super confused.

I stared at him for a couple seconds before answering honestly.

"I don't know."


We just entered the gates of Hershey Park after about 3 hours of driving around. Ross got lost on the way and I already live far away so it's a hard enough drive anyway.

We started walking around and deciding on rides to ride. I said the pirate ship while Ross wanted to ride the "Fahrenheit".

And Riker.

Well Riker was just being quiet and not giving his input which isn't like him at all.

I was about to ask Riker what was wrong when I heard someone say my name.

I turned around to see Tyler standing behind me. I stared at him with wide eyes, I was in so much shock that I didn't even realize he said my name again.

But when I did, I took to steps back to where I was standing next to Ross and next to Ross was Riker. "How did you find out my name? How did you find me here? Are you following me?" I asked one after another.

He stared at me for a couple more seconds before smirking. "That's not important."

"I want you to leave me alone." I responded.

He tried moving closer but Ross stepped in front of me. "He said 'leave him alone'!" Ross demanded.

That's when Tyler's face changed to one of anger and he pulled a gun out of behind him.


My eyes widened and I noticed Ross tense but didn't move as Tyler raised the gun towards him and shot. I screamed and closed my eyes as I heard the bullet seep into someone before there was a loud thud on the ground.

But I still felt Ross standing in front of me...

I opened my eyes to see Riker lying on the ground on his side. I ran to him while Tyler got tackled to the ground by some nearby guards.

Ross seemed too shocked to move. He just stood where he was, staring ahead where Tyler was once standing.

I rolled Riker onto his back and saw that the bullet shot him in the chest, right near the heart. I started panicking as I pushed my hands onto the wound and pushed down, trying to stop it from bleeding out.

There was blood everywhere. All across my arms and across his chest. I kept trying to apply pressure to the wound but it just wouldn't stop bleeding.

It wouldn't stop.

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