Ross' Thoughts

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Ross' POV

I can't believe Dustin would do something like that to me. I've stayed faithful to him all this time, just like I promised. But he goes around and sleeps with some guy.

I can't even think of me ever doing something like that to him. I thought he really cared about me. I guess I was just fooling myself. Now all I want to do is get payback and hurt him right back...but I can't. I don't think I could ever hurt Dustin like that. I know I can't. I can't ever.

I may be hurt and mad at him, but I know that I can never hurt him like this. I don't want anyone to have to I through this pain, especially not Dustin. I still love him. No matter how bad he hurts me, I'll always love him.

But I can't stand to see him right now. I'm going to be a plane ticket the soonest I can. I pulled out my iPhone and went to safari. I searches up plane tickets and times that the plane leaves. There was one for tomorrow at 7 AM. Perfect! I bought the ticket with my credit card and took the code so I could print out the paper to show them at the airport.

Wait. Now I need to find somewhere to print it out at. I looked around and luckily there was a public library just a little bit ahead.

I ran to it and went inside. I went over to one of the computers and went back to the website where I bought the plane ticket. I typed in the entry code and not a second later the printer was printing the paper. I took it out and left.

Once I got outside everything caught up to me.

My boyfriend cheated on me.

I broke up with him.

And now I'm going back home tomorrow.

And after that...

It's all over.

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