Chapter Twenty-Seven - A Sight Worth Crying Over

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Within the week, Peter Jackson was arrested and Kira was placed into protective custody. I was by her side as we waited for a car to pull up outside the office to escort us to the airstrip, we were to take a plane to a location of chief Edgars choosing, Santiago had just dropped off Jensen in which Kira met for the first time, "He is adorable, how old is he?" "Two" I told her, she places a hand delicately on her stomach, "Sometimes I wish I wasn't pregnant" I placed a hand on her shoulder, "I know, and it's okay to feel that way, especially after what happened to you".

Santiago escorted us to the airstrip and Kira and Jensen were sitting in the plane while Santiago handed me an envelope from the chief. I knew I was to open it on the plane, it was the location along with Kira's new identification. "I'll see you soon, and look after your girls" I point sternly at him. He nods his head; I knew he would listen to me; I am his boss after all.

Joining Jensen and Kira on the plane it took off within a matter of minutes. The plane ride was silent; Kira was resting and Jensen was occupied with a television and some of his toys. The plane was packed with Kira's possessions, Jensen's and my own, I had no idea where I was going, but I was going to be gone for a few months and everything I have is stuff that I need for everyday life.

I sat with my earphones in listening to whatever music was on my iPod, I hadn't updated it in a while so they were songs from five years ago, It wasn't long until I drifted to sleep, though it didn't matter as a ding sounded in the plane and the captain made an announcement "This is your captain speaking, we will be landing in California in four hours, I hope you have a pleasant ride" my eyes widen in shock when I hear the location which the plane was heading towards home, I left five months ago, and I was heading back yet again. Sighing I slump into my seat, I couldn't believe he was sending me back to California again, he knew my history here, of all the states in America he chose this one again.

I needed to see what other information I had in the envelope, all the memories of me being here last time swarmed my mind. I couldn't avoid any of them, I was placed in a safe house four miles from the gym Ollie and Tats seven from my parents' house, knowing I couldn't let it distract me from my work I read the rest of the file, Kira had a new name 'Jasmine Ortega' she wasn't supposed to leave the safe house unless it was for appointments for the baby. There were too many connections that Kent Morrison had so wherever I went Kira was to go too.

A car was waiting for us when we walked out of the airport terminal a man handed us the keys and walked away, that was protocol as no one was supposed to know where Kira was living in case Peter Jackson had paid someone off to find her.

The house was normal looking, blending in with the other houses that surrounded it. It appeared to be a friendly neighbourhood as everyone was outside in the bright shining sun waving 'hello' to one another. "This will make a great hideout for you, anytime you want to go out, I must come with you" all of this was said in the vehicle so no one could hear what I had said in case anyone was spying. The car was checked out before anyone got into the car, making sure there was no tracking devices or hidden microphones.

Kira took Jensen inside whilst I brought all the bags into the house, there wasn't many clothes it was mainly paperwork, today we were to go and fetch clothing from the local mall, Kira didn't have much time to grab clothes to take with her, "I'll put these in the right rooms and then we can head out, remember, don't open the door, call me okay?" Kira was sat on the floor playing with Jensen when she turned and nodded at me with a smile.

I made sure Kira didn't carry anything heavy, being six months pregnant, her stomach was huge; she was a small girl to begin with and it was her first pregnancy so her body was adjusting to something new.

I found out by her profile that Kira was only fourteen years old, no girl should have to go through something like she had done, it was awful to hear and read about; but physically and mentally going through it is a whole new world.

The mall was a few miles out of the town we had moved into. It was a huge mall with loads of people about, which is why I kept my gun with me, I had a pregnant young girl scared that someone was going to jump out and take her and my own son. A risk I was not willing to take lightly.

As we walked through the mall, it felt as though everyone was looking at us; and it made sense, there was a pregnant fourteen-year-old and a seventeen-year-old with a two-year-old in her arms, it made for a story.

Three hours we walked around the mall looking for clothes and even collecting items for the baby when it was born. When we stopped for lunch I made a few calls to a private clinic for an appointment for Kira; being six months pregnant and not having a proper ultrasound and check-ups could be dangerous, for both the mother and baby.

"Okay, you have an appointment in a few hours for you and the baby, it is a private clinic so no one can track you, and my people have checked out the place so your safe". Kira nods her head, "I will drive you there and can come in with you if you want, because of your age, unless you don't want me too" she immediately shakes her head, "I want you to come in, please". I smile and nod my head at her as I eat my pizza.

I was glad Kira was relaxing, it was the first time I had seen her calm and collected since meeting her a few days ago, I knew what it was like to be upped and taken away from the ones you loved, though mine was a choice, hers not so much.

The day was long but I could tell Kira was in turmoil about her pregnancy scan, it would be the first time she will ever see an image of her child and of what that monster did to her six months ago.

Pulling up to the clinic I switch the engine off, "You ready for this?" I could tell by the look on her face that she wasn't, but this was something she needed to do rather than forcing her out of the car, I was to wait until she made the first move.

Silence loomed over us both for a good twenty minutes, a good job I headed there early then or else we would have missed the appointment. I was about to say something when Kira opened the door and begun to climb out. Shocked I followed in suit. I could see the look in her eyes as she signed herself into the clinic.

Sitting down beside her I place a reassuring hand on hers, she glances at me with a weak smile she was scared, though I hoped there was excitement in her eyes, but it was something that I couldn't speak of, this is traumatic when it should be exciting for a new mother to be. We sat in silence as we waited for Kira's name to be called, when the nurse came out to call on Kira we almost missed it as we forgot for a second that Kira had been given an alias. She stands up and I sit waiting, though Kira turns to me with a wary look "I can't do this alone" with a nod I stand with Jensen napping in my arms and follow Kira into the room.

"Doctor Peters will be along shortly" Kira nods some thanks, her mouth sealed shut from fright of the moments to come.

It didn't take long but the doctor comes walking in, folder in hand and begins to talk without looking up "Right, Miss Ortega, this is your first child, correct?" "Yes" was all Kira replied with, "And who had you brought with you?" the doctor looks up and smiles at us both.

"I'm Jesse, Jasmine's friend, moral support" Doctor Peters nods her head and sits beside Kira, grabbing the machine she brings it forward and begins the procedure of scanning for the baby.

Pointing out each part of the baby the doctor asks a question which made Kira turn to me "Would you like to know the sex of the baby?" I shrug my shoulders at Kira, "It is up to you, you are the mother". Kira took a deep breath and nodded, "Yes" with a smile the doctor replies, "It's a..."

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