Chapter Thirteen - Tough Day at Work

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Three weeks of searching for Byron and Bruscia and there was no success.

Rebecca was getting weaker by the day and was beginning to lose hope in seeing her youngest boy again.

Jesse tried to convince Rebecca to contact her ex and tell him what was happening with everything, including her health, but she refused every time.

Rebecca's friend Hannah, who was looking after Byron still hadn't woken from the coma she was in, the doctors are optimistic thought, saying it would be a few more weeks until they say any kind of improvements. But that also meant Jesse wouldn't be able to question her on who attacked her and if she had met Bruscia at all.

The team had found many leads and potential locations of Byron and Bruscia, but each trail was lost quickly after finding it.

Jesse was doubting her skills and being cooped up in one place was draining. The guys in the gym were noisy and her own team were starting to irritate her.

Tats and Ollie had gone out with Tony for something. Leaving Jensen with Santiago and the others Jesse stepped outside for some fresh air. She needed to relax. Three weeks full of stress was beginning to take its toll.

Stood outside, Jesse saw Tats' motorcycle. The keys were on the bedside table. Stopping at the room with her team in "If the boys are back before me, tell them I have the motorcycle".

And then she was gone.

Riding a motorcycle was like a freedom that was hard to describe. You weren't confined to a space inside a vehicle, the air whipped freely around every part of Jesse's body as she drove.

She had no idea where she was going, she let her senses guide her.

A few hours of driving required a fuel station to fil the tank.

There are moments in life where major fans of celebrities can meet their idols. A rare, once in a lifetime experience for some people as they didn't always have the opportunity like others.

Jesse had spent weeks obsessing over this case, trying to find even the smallest of crumbs to aid in her search and then suddenly the biggest crumb of all landed right in front of her.

Bruscia was inside the fuel station Jesse was at, this very moment. Patting her pockets Jesse looks for her phone but it was nowhere to be seen. Then she realised she left it beside the laptop on the desk in the gym. "Shit" she mutters.

Fortuitously, she had her gun, so there was that.

Jesse remained hidden when Bruscia came out of the store, she kept an eye on him with the mirrors of the bike.

Quickly paying the clerk in the store, Bruscia was already driving down the road when Jesse got back on the bike.

There was barely anyone on the old road, making Bruscia easy to track and follow.

Twenty minutes Jesse followed at a distance, there was no turn offs for miles so there was nothing for Bruscia to suspect.

She watched the car closely and noticed the brake lights come on and Bruscia turn the car into the forest.

When Jesse reached the turn point Bruscia made, she found a dirt track. There was no way to tell how far the trail went.

Not wanting to risk Bruscia hearing the bike and Tats potentially killing her if something happened to his bike, Jesse left it hidden behind a bush near the road for an easy getaway.

On foot, Jesse ran down the path, keeping to the trees in case she needed to duck and hide.

The path felt long and went on forever, but she found a house at the end and Bruscia's car parked outside.

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