Chapter Four - DC and A New Born

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When Jesse told Victoria that two months would flyby, she was right, Jesse was leaving this very afternoon. Everything was packed and already on its way, all she had left was the clothes on her back and the carry on she was taking with her on the plane ride over.

But right now, Jesse had a task to complete, saying goodbye to Ollie and the guys at the gym. Every day since beating Ollie in the ring, Jesse had been going to that very gym, sparring with Ollie and having a laugh, but there was also something else.

The other guy from before covered in tattoos, was also present every day Jesse was at the gym, though he never spoke to her she always felt him staring at her, it was never uncomfortable, but she had wished he would come over and speak to her. He never did. And now she was leaving there was nothing that she could do about his ignorance.

Another positive to the gym was that her father approved of the place, though he wasn't happy about the location of the gym, he had spoken to the owner Tony over the phone a few times and was satisfied Jesse wasn't going to be attacked whilst in the gym at least.

Tony was a good guy and he and her father Thomas had a lot in common, in fact Jesse was positive they had been separated at birth.

Jesse walked into the gym and everyone was there "This better not change whilst I'm gone" feeling a funny surge of emotion in the pit of her stomach.

Ignoring the feeling Jesse walks past everyone nodding their heads as a 'Hello'.

"You ready to go?" Ollie was very supportive of Jesse and her big move to the capital even though over the past two months their friendship has grown, and he didn't want her to go, he respected her choices.

"Yeah, everything was sent the other day and all I have left is the carry on I'll take on the plane with me" Jesse stood beside Ollie who was facing the boxing ring.

Ollie had a facial expression that he pulled regularly; the pout and he was currently pulling that face now, "I don't want you to go" Jesse didn't have time to respond as the over dramatic lump of a guy pulled Jesse into a side hug, squeezing her hard enough to cease breathing for a moment.

"Get off me you idiot" her voice was joking, but there was some urgency in the fact she couldn't breathe, but Ollie refused to move, trying to pull away failed, Ollie had a tight grip on Jesse, it was as though he thought squeezing her hard enough would will her to stay.

Then as if something moved across the room, Jesse was yanked from Ollie's grasp and was embraced by Tats, his hands resting on her hips and her back firmly against his chizzled chest.

"Get a grip Ollie", his voice deep and laced with a threatening tone.

"Dude, there was no need for that" Ollie mumbles as he takes a few steps back to lick his fake wounds.

"Such a child" Jesse spoke with amusement, to which Ollie sticks his tongue out before yet again pouting.

Tats' possessiveness was curious to Jesse, but she was shocked by what Tats had to say next.

"I don't understand how you can put up with my cousin" shaking his head at Ollie as he spoke.

Jesse's eyes widen in shock at the word "Cousin?". Jesse looks between both boys and looks for any similarities but there is nothing.

"But, he's so... – gesturing to his child like behaviour and looks with over dramatic hand gestures – and your so..." once again taking the opportunity to admire the man's physique.

Tats nods his head, "I wonder every day, I asked my uncle if he was adopted, he never game me a straight answer, so I'm going with yes".

Jesse would have laughed at that sentence, amused by the silence of Ollie's father about his heritage only Jesse was stunned by the amount of words from Tats mouth, the most he has ever spoken to Jesse completely shocking the girl; her mouth slightly agape and eyebrows raised so high she swore they were on her hair line.

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