Chapter Twenty-Six - Mission Impossible

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The plan was simple, a thought that I wish I could be saying out loud, but that was a lie; a plan like this is never simple, especially when we don't even know what it is we must take for Mr Jackson, per the papers we had a few days ago we would know it when we see it. I almost laughed when I read that, it's not like the item Jonah and I had to take would have a large sign flashing above it telling us which one it was.

I was still waiting on Jonah, the hit was tonight and he was supposed to have done the surveillance on the building we were to break into, it wasn't something I had choice in as Jonah called it and was out the door before I could protest, that was two days ago.

I was working with him and I needed to know everything I could about him; having the security clearance like I did I could run any search I needed. Jonah showed up almost immediately, ever since he was twelve he has had issues with the law. Seven years ago, he got caught up in gang activity, it was then that he left home and hasn't been in California since. Obviously, he came to Washington. The next thing on the list showed that he was arrested a few times in Washington with association to a gang. The gang in question, was the same gang I was supposed to break into and take back what they took from Kent Morrison and Peter Jackson.

"You fucking asshole" he was infiltrating the enemy already, the Grey Fire Gang was his gang, I wouldn't be surprised if he was setting me up, if so I needed to be ready.

I left him to survey the grounds; not that he needed to, whilst I prepped all the equipment we would need to break into the place, from ropes to a tablet that could unlock almost any electrical door.

I needed to make sure everything was packed in the bag and I never leave anything behind. The chief knew of the operation that was to go down, and he contacted the police, though there was nothing they could do; if they delayed arriving at that scene of the crime others would know something was up and it could all be over in a matter of hours. Something I won't risk. There are too many things and lives at stake. Not only that but I want to know what it is we are supposed to be taking for Peter Jackson, it was obviously important or else he wouldn't bother hiring outsiders with no association to him.

It was eight o'clock when Jonah decided to grace me with his presence. I sat staring at him as he climbed into the car with nothing but himself. There was no camera from the surveillance, nor any plans of the building we were to somehow sneak into. "So how was your day?" the sarcasm dripping from my voice was unavoidable for Jonah to hear, though the sly smile on his face showed that he didn't care how I was talking to him, "Quiet" was his reply, evident on his face the amusement of the fact he had not contacted me in two days and has only just arrived merely hours before we were to break into Grey Fire territory and steal something we have never seen before.

"We need to leave now if we are to get there on time" starting the engine of the truck I drive out of the lot I was parked in before glancing at Jonah to give me the details of the research that he was supposed to have conducted on the building.

"I know where we need to go don't worry" rolling my eyes I huff, an evident scowl was on my face, though Jonah didn't care, he wasn't like his brother or cousin, and it made me wonder why he left in the first place.

The ride to the location was two hours long, that is two hours with Jonah in the truck. "Are you going to tell me the floor plans to the compound or am I going to walk into an ambush" I question in a quiet voice, not sounding rude or anything but just loud and stern enough to get the point across to Jonah to tell him to give me the layout of the plans.

He looks at me with a smile, "You really want to know the plans?" I scowl, "No, I was just asking for the hell of it" I was annoyed now, I was about to go into enemy territory without knowing where anything was or who would be there.

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