Chapter Twenty-Three - Jaws

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There was barely anyone in the bar when we arrived, but I knew it would fill up soon with the fight hours drawing closer, "What can I get you?" the bartender had a scruffy beard and a bandana wrapped around his head keeping his long hair out of his face "I'll take a beer on tap and..." Jonah looks my way asking for my response "Um, just an orange please" the bartender nods his head and gets our order.

I begin to pull out my money to pay for my drink but a hand stops me "My treat" I smile as thanks "Why?" the bartender places our drinks in front of us and Jonah pays for them "Why what?" I had no idea what he was talking about "Why are you fighting?" I chuckle "Why not?" "touché" "But the reason being that I'm not exactly close to my family and my mother wasn't exactly a mother to me, my dad taught me how to box when I was small and I continued with it, when I got old enough I started doing it for money, I figured I would earn cash whilst doing something I loved" he nodded his head "I can see that" I nod my head "What about you?" I really wanted to know why he left home and moved to Washington and why he was a fighter, "My parents weren't exactly the parent type" emphasis on 'Parent' I smile sadly "Looks like we have something in common" he nods his head in agreement.

I learned that Jonah was Tats' older brother by three years, making him twenty-three years old, there was a few times during the conversation that Jonah almost revealed his brother's name but I stopped him and he noticed, "Why are you stopping me from saying my brother's name?" I take another sip of my drink before answering "Because I don't know it and I don't want to know it" glancing at my watch I see the time and decide to head to the fights "I'm going to head to the fights" climbing off the stool I look at Jonah, "Thanks for the drink". The walk was short; the chilly air sped up my walk. With the fights in full swing I decided to change before coming out and watching the last few fights before mine, for some reason they place my fight last; I figured it is because they think I won't win or drop out once I have seen the oppositions fighting, only it doesn't me, in fact it motivates me more.

As I was coming out of the changing rooms Jonah was walking in, "Ready for your fight?" I ask him, he looks at me saying absolutely nothing making me wonder what he was thinking. "Yo, Jonah" he never said anything but gave a swift nod at me before heading off towards his friend.

Not bothering to dwell on what just happened I head to the fights to look at the competition, though I saw them on the previous fight I wanted to see if there were any changes into their fighting stance and methods, any injuries they may have gained since I last saw them and anything I could use against them.

There were a few new things I found on some of the fighters that I could use to my advantage when fighting against them, if I fight against them that is. I still had to get through this round first and I had no idea who I was up against, since I missed a few fights due to having a drink at the bar with Jonah but I didn't mind, they all fight the same and I could find his weakness during the fight, plus I expected to have the biggest and strongest fighter in the group.

Jonah was the second to last fight; he won of course and went off to the locker room, he was going to the next round and once I win this round so will I. Brought to the centre of the crowd, my opponent joins me, he wasn't as big as the previous opponents but I could tell he was just as strong and swifter, this was going to be a challenge, but not impossible.

The fight was the longest one yet and the next round we had to do three fights in order to go to the final round. I knew I could handle it but I will just have to do some extra training in order to keep up with the men the boss was throwing my way.

As I walked out the building I saw Jonah leant against the wall smoking a cigarette. "Congrats on the win, see you next round" all he gave was a head nod and nothing else was said, I couldn't be bothered to try and have a conversation with him, I got more words out of Jensen than I do from Jonah. With a quick wave goodbye, I head to my car and head to get Jensen before going home for the night.

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