Chapter Twenty-One - An Undercover Surprise

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There was one ore fight until mine, I stood on the side lines shaking the nerves from my body, the announcer counted the fighters in and the crowd screamed with anticipation then cheered their favourite fighter on when the fight began. As I stood in the back I caught a glimpse of the two fighters going at one another and I saw one of them with dark hair and tattoos, though one tattoo which looked awfully familiar making me stop and just stare through the crowd of men, I didn't even realise I was moving until I began pushing through the crowd of men shouting at the fighters, squeezing through the elbows and huge muscled men I get in front of the crowd and look right at the two fighters. One of them I didn't recognise, he had a bald head and was covered in tattoos just like two thirds of the men in the room.

The other guy was smaller but he balanced out in muscle, a full head of black hair and a tattoos all over his body, but it was that one tattoo which confused me, unfortunately I couldn't call his name as I didn't know it and the guy I was thinking of I only knew by the nickname I gave him.

I watched carefully of the fight waiting for the guy to turn around so I can see his face; the fighters back away from one another and circle the floor, my jaw almost hits the ground but I grasp composure quickly. If I didn't know Tats well enough I would swear the guy in front of me was him and the tattoo on his shoulder could have sold it, but there were certain features on his face which distinguished him from Tats, I automatically thought they were related; they could be brothers.

A few more hits and the bald guy hit the ground announcing the black haired guy the winner. As they drag baldy from the ground and the winner walks off the announcer tells the crowd the final fight will begin in ten minutes and to start placing bets.

I shove through the crowd and make my way in the same direction as the winner. He was sat in the locker room where the fighters prepare; unwrapping his hands, well at least trying too. Walking up to him I grab a hold of his hand and untie the wraps, I could feel his eyes on my face, he didn't know who I was; a total stranger walking up to him and starts unwrapping his hands I would stare at the too.

The room was silent, only the sounds of his breathing could be heard as he tries to calm himself down, "You could have had him down in half the time if you took out his right shoulder, he was delayed when he pulled it back by a half second, probably from an old injury which gave you the advantage" I told him, he continued to stare at me not saying a word, I didn't really mean to tell him what I just said, it was a thought that just slipped out.

A few moments later he laughs making me look at him for a second before moving onto his next hand. "Nice to know" his voice sounded just like Tats, "So what brought you into underground fighting?" I asked him curious to find out more things about him before drawing a conclusion; besides he could be the key to finding things out about this fighting ring.

"Why do you want to know?" I shrug my shoulders, "Figured I find out things about the person I am going to beat in the finals" I knew he would get to the finals, he calculated his steps compared to everyone else who used brawn over brain for these fights when it takes both to win one. He smirked "And here I thought you were trying to get me into bed" I snort which was very un-lady like, "Why would I do that?" I question him creating a look of surprise on his face; I guess he wasn't expecting a response like that.

The smirk was dropped from his face for a second but it was gone long enough for me to notice making me inwardly smile. "Not every girl wants to sleep with you" I explain, "What you got a boyfriend?" I smile, but it was a sad one, "Um, I don't really know, he got left behind I guess you could say" "I don't mind being a rebound" I chuckle, "No thanks, besides you look too much like him" this caused him to raise his eyebrows "I look like your ex?" I nod my head "You even have the same tattoo as him" I tell him; this was the only way I could tell him without scaring him off or causing any unnecessary tension, he could be my inside guy for this operation and I couldn't lose a potential way in with my personal life.

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