Chapter Fourteen - Clash of the Biker's

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The sun was just setting behind the old derelict buildings when Jesse pulled up outside the gym.

Tats was outside with a group of biker friends; leaning against his bike and held a cigarette in his hand.

Ollie was also present in the group along with Tony who was smoking a cigar, it was a gang of bikers, no doubt having illegal relations, but Jesse was not going to bust them about it.

Some of the biker's glance Jesse's way as she gets out of the SUV a few of them look at one another with suggestive smiles.

But when Jesse opens the back door and pulls a child out, some of their faces change. Jesse places the boy on the ground, and he waddle off towards the group. Some of the guys sidestepped like Jensen was a rattle snake about to strike.

Clearly children were a foreign subject to the group making Jesse smile with amusement.

He wandered right up to Tats, the cigarette in his hand gets passed to a guy stood beside him and he picks Jensen up.

Jesse was glad when he moved the cigarette, if he were to pick Jensen up still holding it, Jesse would have walked over to him and shoved it in a place that would have burned for days.

Jesse grabbed a bag worth of toys.

"Did you buy the whole zoo?" Ollie shouts across the lot as he breathes out a puff of smoke.

Many of the men laugh at the joke. But Jesse suddenly had an idea.

Turning around, Jesse smirks, "Almost, but thanks for offering to bring them all out of the car".

The smile of amusement suddenly died on Ollie's face, and now Jesse had the last laugh.

"What makes you think I'll do as you say??" Ollie queries a raised eyebrow.

Jesse had already walked towards her son and Tats, "One because I'm armed and two, I can reveal your deepest darkest secrets – Ollie looked at Jesse with curiosity and disbelief – like that time we got in the ring and I...", Jesse was unable to finish that sentence.

Ollie leapt forward and placed a hand over Jesse's mouth prohibiting her from saying anymore.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence" he warned.

Jesse smiled underneath the large hand and gestured towards the car with her hand.

She shrugs her shoulders and Ollie gently removes his hand from her face, he was cautious in case she suddenly blurted out what he didn't want her too.

Ollie turns to his cousin who was holding Jensen and took him from his arms, "Come on buddy, you can help me".

When Jensen was out of Tats' arms Jesse joined his side.

Tat's automatically lifts his arm and places it over Jesse's shoulders.

It was a protective move for Jesse, but also a domineering visual for the men around him, showing them that Jesse was off limits to them, not that he needed to protect her, the young woman was capable of more than he could ever know.

Leaning over, Tats kisses Jesse on the side of her head.

"How was the zoo?" he asked as the group chatted amongst themselves.

"Good as you can see?" Jesse gestures to the load of toys Ollie was pulling out of the SUV.

Tats nods, "So, you spent the money I gave you" concluding on his own from the amount of toys Jesse had accumulated.

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