Chapter 21 ~The Final~

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2 years later

     "Bliss, Bliss!" Two young Yautja children called out as they ran towards Bliss. Bliss turned around and smiled at the two as they hugged her. "Can Yin'tekai come play with us?" They both asked and Bliss smiled and shook her head.

      "Sorry, but he's out hunting." Bliss said and the two children immediately asked, "Then can Singh come play with us?" Bliss nodded and walked inside her home and looked around for her father. "Dad!" She called out and Singh walked out of his room.

      Ever since Bliss and Yin'tekai were known to everyone as mates, they soon officially did become mates. Due to Singh becoming old, he became less flexible and his dark exoskeleton was becoming lighter. But no matter how he acted or couldn't do something, he still played with the children that visited and took care of Bliss when she needed it.

      "You know you can always say no dad." Bliss said, but Singh shook his head and walked outside. She immediately heard the two children laugh and yell from happiness and Bliss smiled.

      "You know your father sure does move good for his age." Yin'tekai says and Bliss smiled seeing he was back from hunting. "How was the hunt?" Bliss asked as she noticed more skulls were on his fishnet and belt. "It was good and no one was injured this time." Yin'tekai says and Bliss nodded, "Well that's good. I never like hearing someone is hurt or killed."

      "And that's one of the million things I love about you." Yin'tekai says as he wraps his arms around her. Bliss smiled and hugged him back, resting her head against his chest. "You know, I never thought I'll be here." Bliss says and Yin'tekai looked down at her.

     "What do you mean?" He asked and Bliss smiled. "I never thought I'll have a alien creature has my father, meet you and become your mate, or live on a planet with thousands of people I never knew existed." Yin'tekai chuckled, "Me neither and I love that you don't call me or anyone else on the planet creatures or animals."

      "Well you're not and besides, I think my dad likes it here too." Bliss says as she faintly hears Singh's familiar hiss in the distance as he played with the two children and probably a couple more. Yin'tekai chuckled and they let go of each other.

      "You know, I kinda like the idea of having children." Bliss said as they walked outside and sat down on the steps that lead to their home. Yin'tekai looked over at her, "You do?" Bliss smiled and chuckled, "Yeah, don't you?"

     Yin'tekai never thought about it because he thought Bliss wouldn't want to have children with a thing like him. He did want to have children, but he also thought Singh may not like the idea and it was a traditional thing to ask permission from the father.

       "I do want children as well, but I thought you didn't want to have some with me." Yin'tekai says and Bliss frowned and looked at him. "That's not true and Guan-thwei said it was a tradition to ask permission from the father of the female so I'm sure Singh will say yes."

      Yin'tekai nodded and Bliss got up, "Well you go ahead and ask him, but not around the children." Yin'tekai chuckled thinking about the child's faces when they hear him ask for permission. "I'll be with Dtobhu'ja and Pyoder'ka if you need me." Bliss says knowing that the two females she met a year ago wanted to see her today.

      Yin'tekai nodded as Bliss walked away and he took a deep breath and got up. He walked over to where he heard children laughing. Singh had a child on his back as four others waited their turn for a ride.

      "Singh, can I speak to you?" Yin'tekai asked and Singh looked up and nodded. He gently took the child off of his back with his tail. The five of them ran off laughing and Singh looked back at Yin'tekai.

      "I need to ask you a question and I'm not forcing you to say yes or no, just answer honestly." Yin'tekai said and Singh was confused, but nodded anyway. "I don't know if they do it anywhere else, but here we ask permission from the father first." Yin'tekai said trying to ask him calmly and not so rushed.

     Singh hissed to tell him get on with it wondering what was making the male nervous. "I wanted to ask permission to have children with Bliss." Yin'tekai said and Singh freezed and looked at him.

     "I know it's out of the sudden, but Bliss asked if I wanted to have children and I said yes and she said she wanted to and so I-" Yin'tekai was quickly telling the reason he came to ask him, but Singh hissed to stop him. Yin'tekai stopped talking and looked at him as Singh nodded.

    "You're giving me permission?" Yin'tekai asked surprised he said yes that quickly. Singh nodded again and nudged him with his head. Yin'tekai nodded and patted Singh's head. Singh growled and Yin'tekai chuckled and walked away.

      Singh knew one of them was going to ask him about that. Bliss already did a few weeks ago, but he guessed Yin'tekai didn't know that. He turned around and walked towards a hill that was empty and had no one near it.

       He sat down and looked behind him to see Bliss and Yin'tekai hugging and Bliss laughing in the distance. Singh looked back at the sky that was no longer blue like their last home, but now a light orange.

      Singh was glad that Bliss was happy with Yin'tekai and that he was probably about to be a grandfather soon, but he was sad that Becca couldn't be here to see it. He hissed and lowered his head thinking about the day Bliss learned he killed her. Yet, she was still here. The same happy person before she knew the truth.

       Singh knew she had a small portion of herself that hated him, but she still thinks of him the same way she did when she was only a child. And even though in the beginning he was the monster everyone thought he was and that he lost one of the people he loved, he was still happy.

      Because even though Singh didn't know how long he would still be alive, he still wanted it spent with at least the people he has left, and that would be his daughter, son-in-law, and his future grandchildren. And he was just happy with that.

Omg this has finally come to an end! I am literally smiling from happiness and sadness that this series is over!

Anywho! I am so glad that so many of you enjoyed this series all the way from the first book!

Becca, Singh, Bliss, and Yin'tekai will always be remembered. But not Roger or Edward, they can die in a 🔥.

I'm also sorry that I can't attend WattCon 2017 because sorry, I don't live near Toronto, Canada!!!

And I just saw they were having one and why can't nothing be in Alabama! Everything is always on the other side of the country!!

But I'll be there in spirit!!

Man I'm sounding like I'm dead and that I'll haunt the place.

Maybe I am a ghost??? 😱😱

Anywho! Thank you guys so much for voting and commenting or even just reading my books! I am so glad and yet sad this series has come to an end!

I don't know if I'll make another Xenomorph fanfiction, but I'll think about it!

Hope y'all enjoy and I hope you enjoy my future books!

Oh and here's a sneak peak at a few fanfictions I'll be doing in the future:

The Last Guardian fanfiction

Kylo Ren fanfiction

The Last of Us fanfiction

TMNT fanfiction

Loki fanfiction

Assassin's Creed 2 fanfiction

Resident Evil 7 fanfiction (The Game)

Fnaf Sister Location fanfiction

Undertale fanfiction

Micheal Myers fanfiction

Keep your butts waiting for those and I'll see you guys in another one of my books!

A Xenomorph's Fate [3] ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ