Chapter 19 ~Flames~

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       Edward frowned, "Well then, I'm sorry to hear that. I thought you would see the truth, but you didn't." Bliss glared at him as she aimed the dagger at him as Singh tried to break the net off of Yin'tekai.

       "I do see the truth. I see that you just want revenge because I already know that my father killed yours so you want to kill mine." Bliss says as she took a step closer to Edward. "I know that you didn't come here just for Yin'tekai, but you mainly came for my father."

       Bliss took another step, but Edward threw the spear at her and she quickly ducked making the spear stick to the side of the tent. Singh hissed and went in front of Bliss after realizing he couldn't get the net off of Yin'tekai alone.

      "Seems like you catch on pretty quickly." Edward says as he was trying to find some kind of weapon to protect himself. Bliss glared at him as she took a few steps over to Yin'tekai noticing Edward wasn't paying attention to them.

     Singh hissed and nudged Bliss already knowing how to break the net. He nudged the dagger towards him and Bliss looked at him confused. "You want me to cut you?" Singh nodded and Bliss gulped and quickly made a small cut on his arm which immediately released acid.

      Singh dropped the acid on the net and Yin'tekai quickly got out of it when the acid made a big enough hole. He checked himself to make sure none of the acid got on him, but had to take off a piece of armor when some of it got on only that.

     "Thanks." Yin'tekai says to them and they nod as all three of them focus back on Edward who was now gone. "Where the hell did he go?" Bliss asked as they slowly walked outside and looked around till they heard something in the distance.

      "He's at our home!" Bliss exclaimed realizing the sound was coming from the direction of her and Singh's home. They quickly ran in the direction of the sound and soon came to a horrible sight.

     Flames covered the buildings as smoke and ash covered the air. Bliss gasped and laid her hand over her mouth as she watch her only home burn to the ground. Yin'tekai looked around as rage boiled his body. Singh wrapped his tail and arms around Bliss to comfort her knowing that they now lost their home.

    "You should have joined me Bliss-" Edward's voice was heard behind them, but he was cut off when Yin'tekai automatically grabbed his throat and held him in the air. Bliss looked over and she glared at Edward as he tried to pry Yin'tekai's hand off of his throat.

      Singh hissed and walked over behind Edward and they looked over at Bliss. "Turn around, we'll meet you back in the forest." Yin'tekai said as Singh aimed his tail at Edward and Bliss gulped and nodded. She turned around and walked away not wanting to see what they were about to do to him.

      Bliss soon heard Edward scream and she cringed at the sudden loud sound. It soon became quiet and Bliss waited for a while till Yin'tekai and Singh came into view. "Don't even tell me what you did to him." Bliss said and they nodded as she noticed blood on Singh's tail and mouth and one of Yin'tekai's weapons.

      "What are we going to do now?" Bliss asked knowing they had no home now as smoke rose in the sky. "You can come with me." Yin'tekai says to them and Bliss looked at him confused. "To where?"

      "My home planet, I know they might not be to kind when they see you or your father, but if I can explain it to them they might welcome you to stay there." Yin'tekai says and Bliss looked at Singh for approval. Singh thought for a moment knowing that he didn't like the idea of staying in the home of his enemies, but Yin'tekai wasn't his enemy no more.

     Singh nodded and Bliss smiled and looked at Yin'tekai. "Where's your ship?" She asked him and Yin'tekai motioned for them to follow. They walked through the forest for a while till Yin'tekai stopped. He walked towards an empty field and Bliss looked at him confused.

      "There's nothing there." Bliss said till Yin'tekai took something out and pushed something which reveled a large ship. "Come in." Yin'tekai says as he walked inside the ship. Bliss and Singh followed and they looked around in wonder.

     The entrance closed behind them and Yin'tekai went towards the front of the ship. "Feel free to look around, there's a sleeping chamber down the hall if you want to sleep." Yin'tekai says as he sat down in the pilot chair. Singh walked towards the sleeping chamber as Bliss walked to the front of the ship.

    Yin'tekai pushed multiple red signs and Bliss sat down in the chair beside him. "Is that your language?" Bliss asked as she gazed at the glowing signs. "Yes and if you like I can teach you it when we get to the planet." Yin'tekai says and Bliss smiled and nodded thinking it would be cool to learn a language.

      "Might want to hang on, it can be a bit, bumpy, for first timers." Yin'tekai says right before Bliss felt the ship leave the ground. She quickly held onto Yin'tekai's arm and he slowly turned the ship around to face the direction of the sky. "Ready?" He asked as he looked at her. Bliss nodded and she immediately hit the back of the chair as the ship took off into the sky.

      Soon a dark sky with millions of stars surrounded them and Bliss gasped and stared at the sight before her. "I never thought I'll get this close to them." Bliss says as she gazed at the stars in front of her. Yin'tekai smiled underneath his mask as he steered the ship.

      "Go ahead and get some rest. It's going to be a while till we get there." Yin'tekai said and Bliss nodded as she leaned back in the chair and got comfortable. She continued to gaze at the stars till she felt her eyes become heavy. Bliss yawned and slowly closed her eyes letting sleep take over.

     And when she wakes up, she'll be in an entire different planet and be the human there.

Just one or two chapters left! I'm so sad and yet happy this series is coming to an end.

Anywho! I start school tomorrow!

I'm excited and yet terrified.......

But as long as I have these two:

But as long as I have these two:

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I think I'll be alright!

Wish me luck tomorrow! I'm gonna need it.......

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