Chapter 3 ~Blue Is Best~

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     Today was the day that Bliss went out to look for her father. She always looked forward for that day hoping that she would either find him or at least find a clue that he was there or passed by. Bliss woke up full of joy as she got ready for the long journey to the last section of the forest she's been. But before she left, she picked up the pile of red string and the pile of blue string. But she mostly hoped she would use the blue string today then the red string that so far was close to being gone.

     "Looks like I start here." Bliss said to herself as she stood beside the tree with a red string tied to its branch. She was a couple miles away from home and what's left to search was a couple more miles ahead of her. But she only looked at a fourth of a mile a day and she would go back over the same area again and again to make sure she didn't forget something or if she missed something that she didn't see the first time.

       Bliss looked back before walking forward to the new section of the forest she never stepped foot in. She walked for hours, looking at everything around her to at least find a hint he was there. She sighed and stopped after three hours of not finding anything and she sat down beside a tree taking out her bag.

       She took out the small pile of red string only glancing at the blue for a second before cutting off a piece of the red string. She sighed and got up and looked for a tree short enough to tie the string on. But when Bliss was about to tie the string on the branch she paused when she saw something in the distance.

       Bliss lowered her hands and looked at the tree in the distance. A smile crept into her face when she saw three long claw marks on the tree. She quickly ran over to it and land her hand on the claw marks knowing from how thin it was, it couldn't be a bear, so it had to be her father. She yelled out in happiness as she dropped the red string in the pile and cut off a piece of the blue string. She tied it to the branch of the marked tree.

        She smiled at the sight of the blue string slightly moving due to the wind. She now knew she was a step closer to finding where her father was. Bliss smiled to herself at the thought of it and she looked back up at the string knowing why blue was her favorite color. She smiled wider and picked up her bag walking away from the tree back towards home knowing that instead of waiting next week to start looking, she'll start tomorrow.

Two chapters in a day! I'm on a roll, finally!


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