Chapter 18 ~He's Still My Father~

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      Bliss looked at Edward in shock and anger as she felt tears start to form. "Y-You're lying! That's not true!" Edward smirked as he walked over to the table and picked something up.

       "My dear it is and here is proof." Edward says as he stood behind her and held the metal object in front of her and a screen popped onto it. Bliss watched the screen the best she could as the tears blurred her vision a bit.

      The screen showed trees passing by till it stopped and showed her mother standing in front of whoever she was looking at. Bliss didn't know who it was, but she silently begged for it to not be Singh till she saw his familiar tail go straight through her mother.

       Bliss cried out in sadness as she begged to Edward to turn it off. Edward smirked and turned it off as he set it back down on the table. "We had a little camera on his shoulder that he didn't know about, but we lost the signal to it.

     Tears streamed down Bliss's face as she closed her eyes. She didn't want to believe it, but she had to. That explains why he disappeared for all those years and why he never really liked her talking about her mother.

      "Now since you know the truth and I know you can't lie to me about not knowing where that creature is." Edward said and Bliss slowly looked up at him with teary eyes. "And don't make up more excuses either, Nick and Phillip told me you were calling the name Yin'tekai, which I guess is the creature's name."

     "Why do you want to know and why did you show me that?!" Edward sighed as he looked back at her. "That creature can kill off the entire human race if it wants to and I want to stop it before it can," Edward was about to walk out of the tent before he stopped and continued. "And to answer the other question, I want you to join me. You have potential Bliss, don't waste it by spending your life with two killers."

       Edward walked out of the tent and Bliss screamed in anger and sadness as she struggled against the chains.


     Singh and Yin'tekai ran through the forest as the rain soon died down, only leaving dark clouds and mud. "There's only one place I know she might be." Yin'tekai says and Singh stopped and looked at him. "The two males she said were her friends are from the Marines and a team of them arrived here in order to find me."

      Singh hissed at him in anger realizing it was his fault for bringing them here when him and Bliss had lived here in peace. "I know you're angry at me, but follow me." Yin'tekai says as he dashed off towards the direction of their camp and Singh growled, but followed.

        They ran for a solid five minutes till Yin'tekai stopped. "Up there." He pointed at the trees and Singh nodded as they both jumped into the trees that overlooked the camp. They both crouched onto the branch as the leaves covered them from being seen.

       "That's the camp and if Bliss isn't here," Yin'tekai looked at Singh, "Then I don't know where she is." Singh growled as they both looked down at the camp, listening to the men below. Nothing happened for a few minutes till a man came out of a tent followed by a scream coming from it.

      Singh hissed knowing it was Bliss's, but Yin'tekai made him stay put as he shook his head and pointed at them. "If you go now, they will shoot you on sight." Singh growled, but stayed put as they listened.

     "Keep a look out for any signs of the creature and another one known as a xenomorph! You see them, shoot without hesitation!" The man said to the others and they all stood around the camp, guns pointing at every direction.

      Singh hissed and looked at Yin'tekai wondering what was the plan. "Look, I would at first attack first, but there's to many of them and I don't need you hurt." Yin'tekai says and Singh nodded feeling grateful that he was concerned about him.

       "Let's take them out one by one because one of them can't kill us both, but we got to do it quietly and make sure that when we kill one of them that they don't make a sound." Yin'tekai explains the plan to Singh and they nodded.

       They quickly but quietly jumped across the trees till they were above one of them that was a bit further away from the others. Yin'tekai nodded at Singh as they both looked at each other looking for the signal to attack.

      Singh stayed put as Yin'tekai jumped down and quickly killed the man and covered his mouth as he fell limp. Yin'tekai quickly hid the body in a bush as he jumped back into the tree. "One down."

     They continued to do this, but when they were on the 5th person, everything went wrong. They​ were about to kill a woman till the others began yelling saying five of them were dead.

      Yin'tekai and Singh looked at each other knowing they had to kill all of them at once. They pounced onto two different people and quickly killed them as the others rapidly shot at them. Singh hissed and screeched as he attacked another one of them. Yin'tekai threw his spear at one of them as he shot another one, leaving none of them alive.

       They quickly made sure both of them were okay before they ran towards the tent they knew Bliss was in. When they went inside, they saw Bliss chained to a chair and Singh quickly walked towards her.

      Bliss looked up at them in relief, but she widened her eyes in fear as she saw Edward behind Yin'tekai. "Look out!" Bliss yelled, but Edward threw a net over Yin'tekai, which quickly wrapped around his body. Yin'tekai struggled against the metal net as Edward chuckled.

       "Now you can't escape that, it's made out of a certain substance that your kind can't break through." Edward says as Singh hissed was about to attack him, but Edward picked up Yin'tekai's spear and aimed it at him.

      "Now Bliss, you still won't join me after knowing your own father killed your mother and your friend, which I already know you have feelings for, can kill off the entire human race?" Edward said and Bliss glared at him.

     Singh freezed and looked at Bliss. She sighed and looked at him with saddened eyes. "I know." Bliss said in a soft voice and Singh lowered his head in sadness realizing his secret he wished would never be figured out is out.

       "Now tell Bliss, join me or stay with murderous creatures." Edward says and Bliss looked at Yin'tekai and Singh then back at him. Singh noticed that Edward wasn't focusing on him so he slowly went closer to Bliss.

      "Look Edward," Bliss started as she knew Singh was going to break the chains that strapped her into the chair. "I don't care," Edward looked at her confused as Singh quickly bit through the chains and Bliss immediately got up and picked up the dagger Edward had stuck to the wall.

       "He may have killed her," Bliss said as she pointed the dagger at Edward and glanced at Singh. "But he's still my father."

Wow man I'm on a roll today! Three chapters up in one day? You guys just won the lottery!

Anywho! A lot of things had gone down already and I hope you have hanged on tight through the ride!

Also, I hoped you enjoyed the long chapter!

And 5k views! Thank you guys so much and A Xenomorph's Mate is close to getting 60k!!!!! Just 4k to go and I'll be there!

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