Chapter 7 ~Lost But Found~

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        "Dad?" Bliss stared at him with her widened eyes as he got up from being thrown off of her. He shook his head and looked over at her, but when she thought he was happy to see her, he hissed and stalked towards her. "Dad it's me, Bliss." When she said that he stopped and looked at her.

       He tilted his head and slightly hissed. "Don't you remember me?" He slowly walked closer and looked at her, but he suddenly quickly backed away. "What's wrong?" Bliss asked but as she took a step closer, he hissed at her almost like he didn't want her to come any closer to him.

         "Dad it's ok, I'm not going to hurt you." Bliss took another step closer and he hissed louder, backing up another step. He shook his head and ran off into the forest. "Wait! Where are you going!?" Bliss ran the direction he went and continued to yell for him, hoping that she didn't lose him, but she soon stopped when she didn't know where she was.

        "Dad! Please come out!" Bliss yelled but she didn't see him anywhere. "Please! I want to be with you again like when I was a child. It's been lonely without you for so long. So please come out!" Bliss looked around still not seeing or hearing him but she stopped when she saw him hiding in a tree above her.

      "Dad please, if you worried that I'll hurt you or that you'll hurt me, you won't, so please come out." He hissed but slowly climbed down the tree and landed on the ground only a few feet away from Bliss. He looked down at her and she smiled at him and took a few steps closer to him.

        "I missed you so much." Bliss said  as he took a few more steps forward and Singh almost took a step back till she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. Singh hesitated but slowly wrapped his arms around her. "It's been so long, I thought I'll never see you again." Bliss closed her eyes and smiled as her head laid against his chest and he slightly hissed, laying his head on top of her head.

        Bliss slowly pulled away looking up at him with a smile on her face. Singh looked down at her and gently hissed nudging her with his head. She chuckled and rubbed his head, missing the feeling of being with him.

        "Dad, can you please come home with me." Singh looked back at the direction home was, he missed being there but when he was about to come with her, he shook his head and backed away. Bliss frowned and her eyes had confusion in them, but he knew he couldn't go because he didn't want to hurt her. 

         "But don't you want to come back?" Bliss asked and he quickly nodded but he slowly backed away. She looked down and sighed giving up, "Fine, but can you please stay close, I can't handle being alone anymore." Singh hissed and nodded and she looked back up and smiled slightly knowing that he would at least be near.

         Before Bliss walked off, she turned back around and hugged him again. Singh nudged her and she smiled and walked slowly away as Singh climbed back up the tree but instead of going back, he stayed close to home. Bliss couldn't go to sleep that night, she could only stay awake and look at the forest, knowing that after all these years searching, she found him and now she wasn't going to let him go again.

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