Chapter 5 ~The Unknown~

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       Bliss walked through the unknown part of the forest again, looking for any clues or signs. But the closest thing she got was the marked tree and a piece of black skin she found under some leaves. It felt hard and smooth, like a exoskeleton so she knew it was her father's, probably got torn off during a fight or something.

        Bliss sighed and looked back at the piece of black skin in her hands. The whole time she walked, she kept rubbing her fingers across the smooth surface, knowing it was now the only thing that felt like him. "Come on dad, where are you?" Bliss said as she stopped and looked around her, not recognizing anything.

       She continued to walk but she did something different. She yelled out into the forest, "Dad!" But the only response she got was a few birds flying away from a tree near her. Bliss sighed and walked on.

                Somewhere Close By

     A black slender figure crouched in a tree watching a deer below. It silently hissed as it inched forward, waiting for the deer to make a move. When the deer didn't, the figure pounced out of the tree onto the deer's back. The deer yelped and tried to get the figure off, but the black figure was to strong and it but into its neck, ending the life of the deer.

       It jumped off the deer as it fell down and the figure walked over and bit into its prey. The black figure was not known in this part of the forest, for it lived miles away but had to come here since there was a food shortage in its part of the forest. It enjoyed the taste of meat till it stopped and looked up.

        The figure hissed and left its prey for a another time and climbed up a tree, quietly going towards a sound of something nearby. It knew it wasn't a animal, due to its scent, but curiosity got the best and it wanted to know what the scent was.

                      With Bliss

     Bliss continued on through the unknown part of the forest but soon, she felt like she was being watched by something. Though it didn't get to her since there are thousands of animals that live in the forest so it was probably just a bird or a small animal that was watching her walk by. That is till she decided to go back home when she heard a hiss above her.

        Bliss stopped and looked around not seeing anything or anything above her. But when she heard that sound, she knew it anywhere. She didn't hear it again so she though it was her mind playing tricks on her, and she turned around and started to walk back home. Till she heard a growl.

        She stopped again but she didn't turn around. Bliss heard the growl again and she started to feel fear inside her and she knew something was here when she heard something nearby, almost like something landed or fell onto the ground. And when she heard something like feet running towards her, she ran.

         Bliss didn't know what was chasing her, but she didn't have enough time to stop and look back from running. But the only thing she knew for sure, was that she was being hunted by something, and that she was its prey.

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