Chapter 17 ~The Truth Revealed~

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     Bliss stood outside of the building taking deep breaths. She was mad at Yin'tekai for stepping the line about asking her relationship, but she began to feel guilty for acting like that towards him. He was just curious and wanted to know.

      She sighed and looked at the forest. Bliss knew she had to apologize because she didn't want Yin'tekai mad at her. She sighed and walked into the forest not knowing the sky was turning grey.

       "Yin'tekai!" Bliss yelled out into the forest as she walked away. The wind began to pick up as thunder boomed. She didn't see him anywhere and she sighed. "Look I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be mad and I shouldn't have acted like that!"

      Bliss didn't see him anywhere and she looked up at the sky as rain began to fall onto her. She wanted to apologize to Yin'tekai face to face, but she needed to get back home before the storm got any worse.

      Bliss began to quickly walk back to her home, till she heard a familiar voice. "Bliss!" She stopped and looked over seeing Nick and Phillip in the distance calling for her. Bliss looked at them confused and walked towards them.

       "What are you guys doing out here?" Bliss yelled over the sound of the rain and thunder. "We should ask you that." Nick said and she looked up at the sky seeing more dark clouds covering the sky. "Look we need to get out of the storm!" Bliss yelled, but she didn't know Phillip was behind her.

     Nick nodded and Bliss turned around to be hit in the head with a gun. She fell to the ground and Phillip looked at Nick. "Are you sure that Bliss knows where the creature is?" Nick walked towards Bliss's unconscious body and picked her up.

      "Yes and the boss said that he knew someone that was close to her so let's just bring her back to camp." Nick says and Phillip slowly nodded not feeling so sure about this as they walked off carrying Bliss.


     Singh woke and he looked over inspecting to see Bliss, but he didn't. He got up and saw the door still closed so he crawled through the window and went to the front of the building.

      Singh was confused when he saw Bliss wasn't there. He looked up at the sky seeing dark clouds approaching their home and he looked at the forest. Thunder and lightning crackled in the distance and he quickly ran into the forest.

      He looked around as he ran trying to see where Bliss was. Singh stopped when he heard Yin'tekai call for him. "What is wrong?" Yin'tekai asked seeing Singh and he hissed and growled trying to tell him Bliss was gone.

      Yin'tekai looked around noticing Bliss wasn't with him. "Where's Bliss?" He asked and Singh hissed and growled. "You don't know where she is? I thought she was with you." Yin'tekai said and Singh shook his head thinking that she was with Yin'tekai.

       Rain began to fall onto them as lightning crackled in the sky and they looked at each other knowing that something was wrong. Yin'tekai only knew Bliss for a few days and yet he knew that she wouldn't be out in this weather.


     Bliss woke up with a massive headache. She groaned and let her vision settle as she remembered what happened. She gasped and looked around seeing that she was in the middle of a empty tent.

      Bliss looked down when she noticed she couldn't move her hands and feet and saw that she was tied to a chair. She struggled to get out of the chains not noticing someone walked in.

       "Looks like you're awake." A male voice said and Bliss looked up seeing a man with dark brown hair and a mustache. "Who the hell are you?" Bliss asked in anger not understanding why she was here.

     "Name's Edward and it seemed like since you're here that means Nick and Phillip followed my orders." The man said and Bliss glared at him. "Now I know you are probably angry and confused on why you are here, but let me ask you," Edward walked towards her and she glared at him.

      "Where is the creature?" Bliss widened her eyes a bit, but she shook her head. "I don't know." Edward sighed and roughly grabbed her face as he crouched in front of her. "Now I know that's a lie, now tell me," he took out a dagger and pointed it at her throat. "Where is the creature?"

      Bliss gulped as fear rushed through her body as she felt the tip of the dagger poke her throat. "It's gone, it left on its ship." Edward looked at her and he knew she was lying, but he got up and took a few steps back.

      Bliss took a deep breath as the dagger left her throat. "Now I know you won't know me nor my father, but I do know you." Edward says and Bliss looked at him confused. "How the hell would I know you or you're father even if I did?"

      Edward chuckled a bit and looked back at her. "My father was a man named Roger, and let's say he knew your parents." Bliss looked at him, confusion rushing through her mind. "Why would he know my parents?"

      "He worked with your mother before she met that hideous creature known as a xenomorph and fell in love. He tried to stop her, but she left and disappeared into this planet." Edward stuck the dagger into the ground as he sat on a chair.

       "Well you know, before she was killed." Bliss froze and looked up at him with confusion. Edward widened his eyes a bit before he chuckled and smiled, "You don't know how she died." Bliss lowered her head and looked at the ground.

       "Well let me tell you," Edward said as he got up and crouched in front her to see her face when he tells her. "I don't want to hear it." Bliss says, not wanting to think about her mother, but Edward didn't care.

       "You don't want to know that the one you've been living with and spending your life with killed her?" Bliss froze and looked at him in shock and confusion. "You're father killed your mother, but yet all those years he hid it from you. At least I was the one who and the honor to tell you."


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