chapter 19: broken

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                                                                               ~ time skip, night ~

                                                                                       reader pov

Murdoc had led us to the second to last floor on this hump of waste, and surprisingly it led down pretty deep. i was sitting on what was now 2ds bed, and trying to look through the little port hole. the light from our room gave me little glimpses of jelly fish and particles of more garbage, but none the less it was entertaining. a little plastic container floated by and i squinted my eyes to read what it said, "i cant believe its not mondo...?" i whispered out loud in confusion. i heard the bathroom door open as 2d staggered out, towel around his waist. he smiled and said in a cheerful tone "tha' felt real nice!". i giggled and got up to the dresser in the room to pick out some clothes for him and me, seeing as though Murdoc didn't expect me to be here. i turned to 2d "are you cold or warm?" he looked down thoughtfully and looked back up at me "cold" he said with a smirk. i gathered us some warm clothes and we got dressed, then i sat onto the bed and stretched "still cold?" i asked playfully. "not for long." he said as we both lied down together. we were facing each other and our faces were centimeters apart... "boop" i said as i placed my finger on his nose. a grin planted onto his face as he placed his finger onto my nose "boop" he said mocking my tone. we both laughed, my face got warmer "oh come here-" i said gently kissing him. my eyes were closed now and i felt him kiss harder. i combed my hands throughout his hair bringing us closer, then he let go of the kiss and took a deep breath of air. panting he said with fiery red cheeks "o-ok then" he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me again. his hands trailed down from my shoulders to my hips, i kissed him on his collar bone and said, "good night Stuart..." he kissed me on the top of my head, "good night y/n..."

                                                                              readers dream

the room was dark, no, dark wouldn't explain it, it was like a void. i wildly looked for something, anything to be there- then i saw it, a fuzzy human shaped thing. i drifted to it and stood before it. it was looking at the floor and its breathing was shallow "...are you ok?" i asked worryingly. suddenly it made eye contact with me and i froze, with fountains of tears pouring from its eyes it uttered out in my exact voice "no.". i began to feel extremely weak, as if my entire world was shaking around me. my face was soaked from tears now- and then i realized, id been alone this whole time.

                                                                                      end of dream

i woke up still cradled in 2ds arms. a sigh of relief shuddered through me, but then i felt just plain wrong. i knew why i wasn't ok, i just didn't want to admit it. if it wasn't for him, i gulped trying to keep down tears, i wouldn't be in this god damned place. every day i wished i could still be in my room back at home, *real* home. the day i got kidnapped ruined the rest of my life, and my life was going to be great. i had so many scholarships in line and so many people rooting for me, a tear rolled sideways on my face as i gripped 2ds arm and pulled it closer. 'my family' i thought looking down at 2ds arm. since day one of my disappearance they have been looking for me. i buried my face into his hand now letting my tears cover it, i had 5 whole months to tell them where i was and how i was perfectly safe. letting go of 2ds hand i felt him pull us closer as i plopped my head on his chest. i grabbed onto his shirt and let my tears spill, "shhh..." he said lovingly patting my back "its ok..."

                                                                              ~ time skip morning~

                                                                                          2d pov

i didn't sleep last night, i had to stay up for my y/n. when i woke up to have her crying onto my hand i was horrified, i never even suspected she was this scared from all of the stuff that has happened. shes just so strong... i shook my head. 'even the strongest people...' he thought to himself '...break'. i sat up and looked down at her, she was the most beautiful human i've ever seen. her e/c eyes, her h/l h/c hair... it just made me feel fuzzy thinking about it. i then got up, touched my toes, and headed for the bathroom- until i saw a cart in front of our door. skeptical i drew closer to it, and it had breakfast food on it with a note. picking it up i read "apologizes for kidnapping you y/n, enjoy!" i frowned and crumpled up the note then threw it away. then it dawned on me. "'oney?" i said poking y/n lightly, she mumbled and turned away from me. "'oneyyy...." i said grabbing a piece of bacon and waving it at her. she turned to me and sat up "hhmmm?" she said smiling slyly. i laughed, and handed her the bacon and a made plate. and with that we started mowing down on our breakfast.






end of chapter 19. ; ) bet y'all thought i was going to write a lemon, weren't you? don't forget to check out the other side of the story on

@ox_noodle_xo s noodle x reader. stay tooned!

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