chapter 5: cupboard

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Reader Pov
It was a brisk morning, 2d sluggishly got dressed and combed his hair. I did the same and patted his shoulder and said sleepily " could we get some breakfast?" He stretched and yawned " ahhh yea..." we climbed down the stairs and headed twords the kitchen- half way there 2d had spotted noodle, he looked like he wanted to say something to her but she seemed super upset and hurt. I wonder what her problem was. As we made it to the kitchen I looked at the freezer distastefully but opened it none the less. Inside were many different half bad foods ranging from pizza, Chinese food and freezer burnt ice cream. I blinked "do you guys have any...fruit?" 2d ran his fingers through his some what matted hair. "Erm...I...uh we have bread for toast?" I laughed a little and smiled "sure" russle walked in, looked at me, walked to the pantry and took all the bread. I gave him a weird look which he returned with a peace sign. 2d frowned "now why yew got to do that?" Russle smiled and said "it's for my stale bread statue of the band" he replied and he walked out. 2d raised his eyebrows and shook his head "aw he does this some times... Mabey we still have some in the cupboards?" I shrugged "I'll check" I made my way to the cupboard, opened it and- "ello lov'" I let out a small scream and fell backwards, Murdoc was in the cupboard with a tiny bass ukalali. He scrambled out and sat on the counter. 2d was too busy to notice this though, he was changing his phones back round screen. I was breathing heavily "W-2 are you doing in the cupboard?!" Murdoc smiled "why waitin' for you" he said strumming the ukalali lightly. My nose scrunched up "sure, just like you nicely invited me over" he frowned "you know about that, it is truly a privilege to be here!" He said waving to the place. "The rest of the band didn't mind being kidnaped..." I suddenly realized that he was sickinly drunk, I stood up and took a step closer to him. "Are you...drunk?" murdoc scoffed "ob course not, uh- of." He looked at the ukalali sadly "you-u know, alot o' people's don't know about the bass ukalali..." I turned my head to 2d and whispered "yo come over here" he looked up sleepily and straightened his back when he saw the drunken murdoc sitting on the counter with a out of tune ukalali. "Was' wrong with em'?" He said as he inched twords me and the tipsy pickle. "Well obviously he's intoxicated!" I said in a worried hush. 2d made eye contact with murdoc (some how). "What yewww lookin at" Murdoc said with a nasty frown on his face. "O-oh nothin' murdoc just me hair was in me face" 2d said fearfully pulling lightly on his hair. Murdoc giggled ,"you've vot..." He looked down suddenly tired, "I...I thinmkin' I'm gonna...take a nap." He then proceeded to slowly relax his mussels untill he was barely balancing on the counter. Though I had a strong hatered for this man I couldn't help but feel pity, but getting drunk is not a solution to problems. 2d looked terrifyed "is he ok??" I put my hand on 2ds arm, "he's fine just really really drunk." I sighed "could you help me pick him up?" 2d was shocked "what? Why?" I replied "we can't just leave him here!"
So we did just that, we picked him up (I chose his arms over his legs) and carryed him up the stairs and to his bedroom. Seconds later Murdocs eyes shot open as he rushed to the bathroom- and retching everything in his system into the toilet. 2d looked at me pleadingly, "not it." I say bluntly.
~time skip~
(New character unlocked)

End of chapter 5
Ahhhhggg I swear once I get back from vacation my chapters will be much longer and full of more stuff.
But don't forget to check out xo_noodle_xo side of the story in her noodle x reader. Stay tooned!

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