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readers pov

once we got to the top of the building (after a long talk with Murdoc in the elevator), i took a moment to look around.this was the biggest room i've ever seen, and it was completely draped in red and black. then i took notice of the loads of women- and some men, and huge TV screens spanning from the floor to the top of the ceiling. on the other side of the room was a large throne and not to far from that was a stage and a drum set. contrast to the thick dark room, the windows shown a different tale. we were above the height of the clouds, so it looked as if we were on a plane of never ending sky and the clouds were our ground. i turned to 2d "who usually picks the sets?" he stretched and said "Murdoc mostly" then out of nowhere Murdoc came behind us, "SPeaking of me, i need you-" he pointed to 2d "to put this on." Murdoc shoved some clothes into 2ds hands. "why do i got to change?" 2d said unhappily. Murdoc sighed "its for the aesthetic..." and with that he walked over to a group of ladies. a couple of warm ups later- we were ready to start, i got to my little booth and started up the song.


about 2 minutes later, the windmill island came into sight, and with it a tiny noodle. but this whole time i couldn't believe how smooth everything was going. everyone was exact and on point. i nodded my head to the beat of the drums and drew the view of the drone behind the island. but, as the island dipped and rose through the sky, i could see it sharply turn to us...


Then it took a dive for the window where 2d was
I screeched at the top of my lungs, "2D!!" he looked right at me and not even to seconds later
I felt my entire body engulfed in pain. With ringing in my ears, I then felt where it hurt the most, my head. My motor skills were obviously impaired so I rubbed my entire hand on my forehead. I pulled it slowly down to see my hand covered in blood. I didn't even remember getting up and looking around, I felt numb to everything. I saw a green figure lumbering to the large pile of rubble. I followed slowly and when I got there I slumped over. I looked at the floor, it was covered in blood, and...with not enough energy to scream I started whimpering and crying as I saw a tuft of blue hair in the river of blood. And then I saw 2d, my heart shattered. 2ds head had a huge hole in the right side of his head and blood was pouring out. At this point I was choking on my tears. I heard sobs from not to far away so I turned my head to it and saw murdoc with his hand over his mouth. He let out a sharp breath and fell to his knees and held 2d in his lap. Murdoc tenderly hugged 2d as his tears covered the floor, intertangleing with the blood,He then locked eyes with me. He could if ended me right there. I was so so weak...but more tears fell from his face as he let go of 2d, took the tuft of hair from the floor and put it in his pocket and made his way to me. I started getting tunnel vision and my hearing was slowly giving out, I widened my eyes to try to see more but to no avail. I coughed and felt something wet come out, and closed my eyes but I could still feel.
I felt my body be shakily lifted and warm tears fall on my face. Then i heard a soft whimper "y-youve all i g-got left of e-em....". Blood dribbled down my chin as murdoc carried me around, most likely looking for the others. He shifted his weight, saw them then started heading to the elevator. I opened my eyes a sliver, and saw murdoc looking down at me. He had ripped a piece of his shirt off and was patting my head with it to stop the bleeding, surprisingly I didn't feel a thing. He looked down on my broken body and whispered "what was it about you..?" He wiped his eyes and took a deep breath.

"He loved you"




((Continue to true end?))

--> (( restart )) <--

end of chapter 13. Dont forget to check out the other side of the story on xo_noodle_xo s noodle x reader. Stay tooned!

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