chapter 18: cyborg

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                                                                                    readers pov

i walked up onto the top deck, looking around i spotted my target. Murdoc was sitting down at a table that you would see at a outside venue at a restaurant reading a book called 'how to give daily beatings: for dummies' , i scrunched up my nose. trying to seem lighthearted and happy, i put on my best smile and waltzed to him. "hello!" i said leaning onto the table, directly across from him, he looked a little surprised but then looked down a little and smiled "why hello lov'" he said with a large grin spreading on his face. ignoring his little glance i cheerfully asked "so, i was thinking, how about i make a little breakfast for you and me to.." i drew eye contact with him "clear up some things." he licked his lip and placed his book on the table and stood up abruptly and stretched "sorry hon but we've made it!". my face contorted to pure annoyance "made it to what?" i asked with a little bit of anger  in my voice "PLASTIC BEACH!" he yelled trowing his hands into the air, "wha-" suddenly he grabbed my wrist "there's no time my dear, off we go!" he said pointing to the left. i looked over to see a massive building some how balancing on a mass of neon pink. dragging me off the boat i stared at the 'plastic beach' and understood its name, it was made entirely of trash but it had goopy pink paint everywhere. i looked back at Murdoc "where the hell are we?" i asked angrily, he opened his mouth "its the farthest place from any land!" he started laughing, his grip tightening on my arm. i let out a slight hiss of air, not long after noodle seemed to suddenly appear at Murdocs side. "sir" she whispered, "what is your orders?" her voice sounded dead and soulless. Murdoc released my wrist and put it onto noodles face, "take yours to her room and ive got-" the next thing i knew i was on the ground.

                                                                                   2d pov

i woke up to a large *THUNK*  sound, sitting up in shock i whipped my head in the direction of it. my eyes widened it was the boat. picking  up my hat and putting it back on my head i got up and hid behind one of the random plastic palm trees on this mass of garbage. i heard talking, gulping i listened harder, one voice was defiantly Murdoc...that wanker...and the other was much more feminine. i peered over the tree... and started dashing. it was her, it was my y/n! she seemed to not notice me when- i swan dived into her. "OUUF." she wheezed as we both hit the ground. she opened her eyes slightly- then all the way. "2d!" she said with tears welling in her eyes. "y/n, i-" i said shaking with relief. i hugged her but one of her arms felt hard, i released her and looked at it, my face deepening with anger. "who did this." i growled she looked...weird. all she did was break eye contact and point over my shoulder. i plopped over and took at look, and completely froze. i just stared at her. i couldn't believe... "n-noodle" i said choking out the words. she reached behind her and pulled out a gun. "w-WHOA!" y/n and i screamed at once as she pointed it straight at my heart "permission to shoot." she said in a hollow voice. Murdoc still standing on one leg from the sudden impact of 2d, stepped back down and dusted his arms off. "uh, permission denied." he said slightly flustered. she tightened her lips "are you sure." Murdoc rolled his eyes "I'm sure." he said in a bored tone. the blood drained out of my face, "w-what 'ave yew done to 'er?" i asked with fear in my voice.  Murdoc gave a huge grin, "its not her!" he said grabbing her wrists and waving her hands around "its our little noodle 2.0" he said slapping his hand on noodles shoulder, she remained unfazed. she turned her head to Murdoc very stiffly "who is this, sir?". my jaw dropped, then Murdoc changed the subject "uhhh how about you take ___ to their room noodle!" he said smiling sweetly at her. she nodded her head and took the girl behind her hands. A second frog ended up on my throat, it was that girl Murdoc said had died with noodle. my frown curled downwards even more, he went through the trouble to make fun of two dead people? i watched as...the things...walked away, my face started to heat up, but then i felt a hand softly lay onto my shoulder. y/n looked at me straight in the eyes as if saying 'please, just let it go.'. Murdoc put his hands on his hips and bellowed out.

                                                                             "WELCOME TO PLASTIC BEACH!" 







end of chapter 18. lots of jokes in this chapter lol, fun fact: Murdoc wasn't going to wave noodles hands at first, it was a typo! i kept it because i thought i was really funny to think about : D. anyway don't forget to check out the other side of the story on

@xo_noodle_xo s noodle x reader! stay tooned!


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