chapter 2 : flustered

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                                                                                   reader pov

2d had went down stairs to grab some extra clothes, mine were soaking from melting frost, and i was left to his room. his room was somewhat clean, at least for my taste. i could defiantly tell that he had a love for the keyboard, he had them hanging up all over his walls and he had...kayaks...? i was curious so i slowly stood up and began to investigate the room further. i spied a drawing type desk in the corner of the room, but nothing important was in it. the next subject of my search was the bed- i myself have hid important things under my pillow before and it is somewhat common to do so. so i approached it and climbed onto its soft white sheets. i crouched and lifted the pillow- but as soon as i did so, 2d came in. "i-I've got some clothe for yew-" he stopped and didn't try to hide his stare as his face reddened. my face got hot and i stammered "u-u-uhhh s-so sorry-" my speech quickened "i just thought- i was looking for- sorry i should of asked-"   his eyes widened "um its ok..." he put the clothes down on the banana yellow chair near him and sat down on the bed with me. he put his hand on his neck "i should be the one to apologize i didn' even tell yew wots happenin'..." a sigh erupted from him. "Murdoc does this...thing... where he uh... kidnaps people and forces them to play music for our band." his face looked even more guilty when he saw mine contorted in terror. "this is a normal thing?? shouldn't you tell the police?" i practically screeched. he looked down at his feet uncomfortably "h-he...he gets a little physical...". i figured i should change the subject, ill ask him about it later. "so um yes, what time is it?" i stuttered. 2d looked at his watch and his eyes widened "oh jeez its nearly midnight!" he looked at me "we should probably get to bed, you don't want to wander around here at night." he then nodded at the clothes in the chair- they were pajamas. i got up and grabbed them as 2d watched. "um 2d?" "yes y/n??" he said quickly. "could you look away for a second?". he blushed a deep red "oh yes right." then he turned around and stuck his head under his pillow.

                                                                                         2d pov

i couldn't stop blushing, my face felt as if i had stuck it into an oven. how insensitive was i? my self hating thoughts snapped off in a instant as i heard the muffled sound of cloth, and then "2d you can stop suffocating your self now." y/n said as she gave out a slight giggle. i lifted the pillow off my head slowly and turned around, it seemed noodles pj's ha fit her perfectly. i choked a little and said "they uh- look nice on you" y/n smiled "uh, thanks!" i spotted a little bit of a pink glow to her cheeks and my face got hotter. she stared at me worryingly "are you ok?". i hadn't noticed but my vision was getting more and more dark. my mouth felt numb and i felt my head hit my bed. 

                                                                                   ~time skip~

i felt my head on something warm, and fingers combing through my hair.i opened my eyes slightly to see y/n s face looking down at me. she looked super worried but- i never took time to look at her face before, her eyes were e/c and she had the most h/c hair I've ever seen. then she did something that caught me off guard. she leaned down slowly and gave me a soft kiss on my forehead. to not startle her, i let out a sharp breath of air. "2d?" she exclaimed. i opened my eyes more "eh..?". she gave me a soft caring smile. "shhh... just go back to sleep, i don't want you to give me a scare again haha.." she lifted my head off of her thighs and lied it softly down on my pillow. i closed my eyes again and heard the blanket shift as she got into my bed as well "good night..." she said sleepily.

                                 end of chapter 2, and dont forget to check out  @xo_noodle_xo as well! Stay tooned!

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