chapter 12: van

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                                                                                         2d pov

 after me and y/n exchanged our dreams (in little details) we both decided to get dressed. i turned over and toppled off my bed even more tired than when i woke up. then sleepily i brought some clothes out of my dresser for me and y/n. i grabbed some casual stuff for me, jeans, gray t-shirt, ect. and some shorts and a cute baggy band tee for y/n (the shorts were the only thing of mine which fit her legs). "um, 2d?" i turned to y/n and said "yes?". y/n shifted uncomfortably in my bed "may i take a shower really quick?" she asked. i frowned and worryingly said quickly "sure ill come too.". her face reddened "u-uh what?". i blushed embarrassingly "o-oh whoops i meant i had to brush me teeth-" she giggled and slid off the bed "well come on then!" she said waving with her hand.

                                                                               ~ time skip ~

with y/n freshly out of the shower and my teeth rubbed raw we both made our way down the hall headed to the kitchen. y/n sighed "same old routine huh?", i smiled "same ol' same ol'" then she grabbed my hand in hers- "doesn't have to be like that....". just as i was about to stutter something back the intercom clicked on, it was Murdocs voice. "Sorry guys but your gonna have to skip breakfast today, I've changed the date of the recording" i stopped in the hallway and said quietly "what would that hav' to do with breakfast?" the speaker interrupted me, "Meet me at the van in uhhh" there was a pause "Five minutes- lets roll out chumps!" there was a slight laughter, and then it turned off. i sat there for a moment and kept walking "wonder why he wants us out there" i asked innocently.  y/n face palmed "we're doing the recordings today 2d" she said whilst sighing. "w-WOT." i said gulping hard. i sped to the kitchen with y/n s hand still in mine. "woah slow down!" she said stumbling after me. i quickly drank a cup of water and ran as fast as i could to the garage. when we arrived Murdoc shot a look at me and y/n s hands, still clamped together- but it wasn't angry he just winked and licked his lips. Russel came second and then noodle with that other girl. i looked at their hands, noodle saw and so i looked away and climbed into the vans back seat. i let go of y/n s hand and pulled her tight, i looked at noodle and her friend  there was no way that they could both fit in.  noodle took notice of this "uhh here..." noodle said blushing. noodle shifted in on the seat and pulled her friend onto her lap. i raised my eyebrows and said under my breath "oh...i knew she was gay..." i smiled. noodle grunted and y/n nudged me laughing slightly "don't embarrass her!". Murdoc stretched back and barely touched my head. "raaarrr so everybody ready?" i mumbled angrily "of course not." Murdoc just laughed and said thickly "too bad!". he turned to russ, "could we get going?" Russel puffed "dont tell me what to do." and with that we headed off

                                                                               car ride

                                                                           reader pov

so far the car ride had been pretty quiet with exception with the tunes. i looked out the window boredly, and heard a soft "sorry" from noodle. i changed my gaze to 2d, he was looking down at his hands as he fumbled with his thumbs. i could feel the pressure building up in the car, and so did everyone else, even Murdoc seemed off put by it. minutes passed by untill i sneezed violently which caused everyone in the car to jump. Murdoc smiled devilishly and said still looking out the window "hail Satan". i looked at 2d as if saying 'did he..?'. 2d just shrugged as if it was normal.

                                                                             ~ time skip ~

when we arrived, 2d feverishly got out of the van as fast as he could. i patted his back softly, "claustrophobic? ". he smiled slightly, "a little." Mudoc hopped out and *tried* to touch his toes and grunted "Alright, get to your places." 2d looked  at Murdoc for a second and Murdoc rolled his eyes "most of the equipment is in there don't worry." he said waving his hands. i looked away for a second to see noodle giving that one girl a ride up. Murdoc turned to me,"as for you, I'm going to need your assistance." he said smiling and holding out his hand. 2d straightened his back and puffed out his chest, Murdoc drew his hand back "calm your jets face ache, she needs to know what we're doing..". Russel looked at 2d with one eyebrow raised and with a smirk "we're all going to the same place you know." 2d went back to his slouching self and said quietly "oh yea.." as the others headed for the tower 2d leaned in and gave me a peck on the cheek. " ready?" he asked softly as he put his arm around me. "ready." i said back winking







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end of chapter 12. continue? please dont forget to check out    @xo_noodle_xo s noodle x reader which has the other side of the story. stay tooned!

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