chapter 6: push

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2d pov
As I was dragging Murdocs sloppy body up the stairs y/n s eyebrows we're furrowed in thought. Her every move spoke of wisdom and talent, I could see why murdoc would want her help in the new album...I shook my head. Murdoc had a influence on people but he would not get on me. Y/n s face had morphed into a kind of "would I dare...?" Face. I wish I could look at her forever, her h/c hair was wipping around her like sails in the wind, and the way she walked made the world tremble beneath her, she was my goddess. She made eye contact with me - "2d?" She said with a slightly scared voice. "Yes dear?" I said back. "How long does he stay like this? And is he sober after?" I lifted my eyebrows, she was joking right? "Uhh he doesn't sleep long...and he takes a long time to get sober...why do yew ask?" We reached Murdocs bedroom, she looked at me as if I was terrifying "wots wrong?" I say scared. She quickly grabbed Murdocs arms and draged him into the room

Y/n?!" I said reaching quickly for the handle - but I was too late. She had slammed the door straight into my face.

Reader Pov
I felt horrible for this but yet at the same time powerful. How idiotic was murdoc? Drinking whist having hostiges, almost too easy. But my heart still shattered hearing 2d pound and beg on the door. Once again he was much to sweet for this mess. I quickly pulled up a chair, and used dirty shirts to tie Murdoc down. At this point he was coming back, round but he was still pretty wasted. Murdoc let out a grumble, "mmm what..?" He struggled a bit in the chair then saw me. "He-heyyy there." I nervously rubbed my neck, "hey" I said in a monotone voice. He looked down at his clothes that where constricting him. Instead of being Confused he smiled slyly and said "kinky" in a mocking tone. My face scrunched up, "stop that." I growled. He gave me a demonic puppy face "aw so you were not taken aback from my looks?" "I'll be asking the questions here" I growled once more. He sighed " that's what we're here for...well I'm sorry lov' but we *just* can't have that..." He said in a bored tone. Suddenly he ripped the clothing restraining him- I jumped back and tried to unlock the door, I could hear 2d still pounding on the door. I tried to unlock it but I couldn't for some reason. I felt Murdocs hand touch my shoulder and out of fear I stood still- completely terrifyed. He leaned in, I could hear his deep breaths and he whispered " let this be a lesson to you hon'..." He slowly turned the door nob, "and don't try that again..." He then shoved me out and I landed straight on to 2d. Murdocs whole mood changed, first a scary frown then a small threatening smile. "I'll need to talk to you later 2d."
End of chapter 6. Don't forget to check out xo_noodle_xo side of the story in her noodle x reader. Stay tooned

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