Chapter 27

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Sorry for the wait. I'm a dual enroll student trying to get my A.A degree in a years time... It's a lot of work.. I will update every week!! Love you all- Dianna

Thomas POV~

It's has been a little over a week since Victoria told me she was pregnant. I still do not have a clue on what to do. Oddly she is only a few weeks and is showing a lot. At school we have been hiding it by Toria wearing baggier clothes. I am going to be a dad under the age of 20... I have a basketball scholarship to FSU and it's a once in a lifetime chance. But as a man I have to be there for Toria and my kid. With the death of my dad, I want to make sure that I am always there for my kids. I also want to stay with Toria. She's the love of my life. I know it will all work in the end. But still... WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO? I don't know what happened? Maybe the condom broke? Maybe she forgot to take her birth control pills? Maybe I forgot to pull out.. Shit.

Today Toria has a doctors appointment to check on the baby. I'm excited and scared at the same time. I want my baby to be healthy. I hope it's a girl so she can look just like her mother. Speaking of her mother, I honked my car horn outside her house. Victoria was as beautiful as the first time I saw her. Maybe even a little more. She has that glow pregnant women get. She was wearing a really flowy dress tht his her stomach. Her braids were in a high bun, and her makeup was flawless. She entered the car and smiled.

"Hey baby." She exhaled and kissed me on my lips. I deepened the kiss by grabbing her head. She pulled back forcefully and smiled.

"Babe that's how we got knocked up in the first place." She laughed

"Well I can't help that you look even more gorgeous pregnant!" I retorted! She laughed and we were on our way to the OB/GYN. The place was very girly. There were baby pictures everywhere and pictures of ovaries.. Weird. There were about 3 other pregnant women in the waiting room with us. Victoria was fidgeting and biting her nails.

"Nervous?" I asked

"Very.. What about you?" She replied

"I'm about to piss my pants.." I laughed. She hugged my arm an kissed my cheek.

"We will be alright." She assured.

"Victoria Lynch?" The doctor called out. Me and Vic stood up and the doctor gave us a warm smile. She was about 35 and a pretty black woman.

"Hi, I am Doctor Beckford! I will be with you throughout our pregnancy and birth."

"I am Victoria, and this my wonderful boyfriend Thomas." Victoria replied smiling. Dr. Beckford smile and nodded at me.

"Well let's get started. This way please." Dr. Beckford leaded the way down the hall. We entered a pink room and Vic layers down in the chair.

"Okay---" before the Doctor could say anything, Vic cut in.

"Yea yea, the blue stuff is cold! Please I'm really nervous.." Vic laughed. I laughed along with Dr. Beckford at how she was nervousness. I am too but we are in this now. Dr. Beckford put the blue stuff on her belly Moved around.

"Well you are about 2 months pregnant. Here is the heart beat." The doctor informed us. I listened to the heart beat and it didn't sound right?

"What's wrong? That doesn't sound right." I panicked.

"Oh my.." Dr. Beckford whimpered.

"WHAT!" Victoria started freaking out.

"There are more than one heart beats.. In fact.. There are three! Congratulations you are having Triplets!!" Doctor Beckford shouted.

Before I could say anything I saw all black and hit my head really hard.


"Thomas? Can you hear me?" Dr. Beckford yelled. As I woke up I was now on the table Toria was once on.

"Triplets?! I can handle one baby but three?! I must have magic sperm or something?! No.. BABE YOU HAVE MAGIC EGGS! We are having triplets!" I yelled getting over that fact that we are having three kids.. Now I was excited for my bundles of joy. Three.. Wow.

"I'm glad you're excited but baby what are we going to do with three kids. I are only 17... What are we going to do!?" Victoria yelled on the verge of tears.

"We will get through this.. But first.. We need to tell our parents. I will tell Boaz tonight." I assured her. She nodded her head and kissed my lips. Triplets...

After I dropped Victoria home, I headed to my house to talk to Boaz. I was sweating like a sinner in church. How was he going to take it. I mean Jesus Christ I'm having triplets.

I entered the house and saw Boaz cleaning the kitchen. Well.. Here goes nothing.

"Boaz can I talk to you."

"Yea sure. What is it?"

"Victoriaispregnantwithtripletsandimsorry." I let out all in one breath.

"I know." He replied.

"Look I know I made a mistake--- wait what did you say?" I asked making sure I heard right.

"I know she is pregnant. When she came over for dinner two weeks ago I made her favorite meal, and she threw up from the smell. And she's glowing." He said as a matter of factly.

"So you knew all along. Why didn't you ask me if I knew?" I asked confused.

"She had to be the one to tell you. But did you say triplets?" His voices grew higher in curiosity.

"Yep. We went to the doctors office today and we heard three heartbeats. " I informed him.

"She has magic eggs huh?!" I laughed

"That's exactly what I said." I laughed. I don't know what happened but my laughing turned into crying. I was overwhelmed. Boaz ran over to me and hugged me.

"Look son. You should have been more careful. But now, it's not just you anymore. It's you, Victoria and your three little birds. You are going to have to step up and be a man." Boaz explained.

" Bo. I'm scared." I cried

"I know. It's okay son.. You'll find a way throug."

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