Titian Chapter 5

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Thomas POV~~

That did not go like I wanted it. No on ever turns me down. Ever. Who does she think she is! Is kissed her and she barely responded. Maybe something is wrong with me, did my breath smell? Did I have something in my teeth? I went to the bathroom to check. Nope. Nothing was wrong. She was the one that was wrong. Girls are dying to have me.

I looked out of my window to find her waiting by the mailboxes. She looked upset and flustered. I kinda felt bad now. But, she is defiantly on the list to get in bed. She was gonna crack if it's the last thing I do. I have to be nice to her in order for her to come back. She's beautiful and all but I'm A Voncanin. We never catch feelings.

Running down the stairs Boaz stopped me. "I think you're playing with the wrong girl."

"Listen B, she just like all the other hoes. She'll crack. Just wait." I lied.

"No, I don't think this one is like that. She seems to have a lot more integrity. Don't play with her emotions." Boaz demanded.

I heard what he had to say but I shook him off. He doesn't know a damn thing about women. He's single and has been since I've known him. What could he possibly know about girls. I sped out the door and tapped Victoria on her shoulder.

"What the hell do you want?!" She screamed.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me. Can we please go and finish the project topics. I promise I won't try anything. You're just really beautiful." I stated. I can't believe that I was actually telling her the truth. She was in fact beautiful. I just couldn't dare lose my rep at school.

"Okay. First things first. If you ever touch me again, I will rip your face off. Two, I already told you I'm not one of those girls." She croaked. Damn. She was serious. And it was turning me on.

It was then I thought of a plan.

"Hey after we finish, do want to grab pizza? As friends. Nothing else. your not my type." God. Why would I say that. She is my type. I'm so dumb.

"I guess." She confirmed.

Victoria's POV~~~~

So he kisses me. Then asks for pizza as friends. He is a sexy confused mess. I don't even know why I bother with him. I know for a fact there will never be an "US". He even said it himself. I'm not his type. Honestly, deep down inside... I'm kinda hurt. I would give him a chance.

We finished our first two essays. I feel kinda relived. This project is really stressful. To top that, I have a band competition soon and Mid- Term exams. I play the bassoon and sometimes the French horn. I hope to get a scholarship to Yale, But I have no money to travel and visit the school. My mother and father both work hard and live middle class. It's just that extra money is hard to come by.

"You ready for pizza?" Thomas said as he snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Uh yea sure. Let's go." I replied.

We drove in another awkward silence. He kept his eyes on the rode this time. After while he turned the nob on the radio and classical music played softly. It was Carnival of the Animals: Tortoise. I loved that song. I'm surprised he listens to this stuff.

"Erm, you listen to this?" I exclaimed.

"Yea. People ruin music with words. So I just listen to classical and listen to the chords." He replied

My heart melted. I thought I was the only one who felt that way about music. Maybe he is a softy at heart.

"I never thought that about you."

"There's a lot you don't know about me." He mumbled.

We arrived at Cheesies Pizzeria. We got a booth all the way in the back. The rooms smelled of garlic and cheese. My mouth is watering. I didn't realize how hungry I was.

"So, tell me about yourself." Thomas asked. What could he possibly want to know about me? I'm not interesting.

"Well, I'm Victoria. I'm 16 and a junior in High School. I'm in band. I play the Bassoon and French Horn. I want to go to Yale. I have no siblings. I like pizza. And that's it." I spilled.

"That's really interesting." He replied

"No it's not. Quit lying." I mumbled and laughed at the same time.

"No I'm serious. I find you interesting."

My heart stopped. We sat there in silence as his deep eyes stared into mine. I gulped and the waitress came to the rescue.

"Hey my name is Lucy may I take your order." She stared at Thomas. I wanted to rip that smile off her face. Who does she think she is.

"Um can we have a large Cheese Pizza with two cokes and cinnamon sticks with icing." He all said while looking at me. How did he know all that was my favorite?

"Sure thing cutie." She responded and walked away making emphasis on her curves. Bitch. I want to punch her in the throat. I don't know why I'm getting jealous. He isn't mine in any sort of way. Do I want him to be?

Titan (Interracial Love Story) BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now