Titan Chapter 21

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"The birds and the bees.." I trailed off and couldn't contain my laughter. Micah is a good looking boy. He was about 6'3, tan, with hazel eyes. He was a soccer player and made good grades. Him and Nicole were brother and sister from a different Mister.

"Listen eventually you guys are going to have temptations and want to do... It.." I said except this time I was serious. I didn't want my cousin getting hurt like I did.

"I hate to tell you this Vic... But we've already done stuff.." She said embarrassed looking down.

"What do you mean stuff?" I asked concerned.

"Basically we've done everything but sex." She explained still looking down at the ground. I can't believe it. I didn't do stuff until I met Thomas and I was 16 turning 17. I guess she isn't so innocent.

"Just be careful. I don't want you to get hurt. You know Thomas cheated on me. That's why we haven't been seen together lately." I admitted to her.

"What?! I thought he was out of town or something!" She sounded shocked.

"Nope. He cheated on my with Lara." I told her and my blood started boiling again.

"We can't let her get away with that!" Lay screamed

"I'm not going to put my hands in her. If she doesn't touch me I'm not going to touch her." I explained to her. Some people don't know but I have my black belt in marital arts. Legally if she doesn't touch me first, then I can't touch her.

"I guess so." Lay said and walked away. I have school tomorrow and it's getting really late. Honesty I keep thinking about Thomas and Austin. Thomas left and Austin came in. I don't know. If Tommy wants to come back in my life, he's going to have to climb mountains, swim oceans, and run valleys.


Thomas POV~~~~~~~~~~

I waited by Vic's parking spot. I have 4 roses, one for each month we were together. I also have a diamond necklace with "forgive me" engraved on the back. I hope she likes it. Even if she says thank you I will be satisfied.

"Hey babe." I heard an unwanted voice say in my direction. It was Lara.

"Don't call me that. Leave me alone." I growled at her. I don't have time for she. It's because of her I lost the love of my life.

"You weren't saying that when you were all up on me!" She yelled and everybody turned around.

"Be quiet, you mean nothing to me. Haven't you noticed that I just used you for sex? Even when I wasn't with Victoria, you were just a toy. That's it. How about you get some self respect and stop acting like a hoe!" I growled at her loudly in her face. She looked like she was going to hit me.

"Don't touch him." I heard the angelic deep voice say. It was Victoria. She looked beautiful as usual. She throws me off every time I look at her.

"Bitch what are you going to do?" She got all up in Vic's face.

"Back up off me Tramp." Victoria smiled as she warned Lara.

"What are you going to do. I had sex with your boyfriend and you did nothing. What are you going to do now?!" Lara sneered as she pushed Victoria. Oh shit.

"Put your hands on me one more time.. See what happens." Victoria eared Lara again. I knew something was going to go down. Lara pushed and punched Victoria. Vic didn't even budge. Instead she grabbed Lara into a head lock, flipped her around and pushed her ace front to the wall. With the amount of force Victoria had, Lara probably broke her nose.

"NEXT TIME YOU TOUCH ME IT WILL BE EVEN WORSE. DONT TALK, TOUCH, LOOK, OR EVEN THINK ABOUT MY MAN ! GOT THAT?! IF YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT FIGHTING BACK I WILL BREAK YOUR ARM! AM I CLEAR?" Victoria yelled in Lara's ear. The crowd was going wild. She called me her man! That's a step closer!

"Go get the Dean." Victoria said so calmly to me. My babe is no one to play with. I smiled and ran and got the dean.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Dean Contie yelled.

"She hit me twice, and I handled her." Victoria explained.

"Let her go!" Contie yelled. Vic let her go. Lara had blood everywhere. She ran as far as possible from Vic.

"You two. Go to my office." Dean Contie screamed in frustration.

"Wait Vic before you go, here." I gave her the presents. She smiled and walked away. "VIC.. I love you!" I screamed at her. She turned her head a smiled again.



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Titan (Interracial Love Story) BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now