Titan Chapter 8

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Victoria's POV~~~~

I was awoken by the yellow sun rays coming from the window in my room. I felt groggy and overly tired. Oh yea . I didn't get much sleep because I was thinking of Thomas all night. I've never had a boyfriend before. This whole kissing business is all new to me. It's amazing how I didn't like him, and now he's all I think about.

I sat up from my bed, put my slippers on, and walked to the bathroom. I took a very long shower to clear my thought. God. My legs are hairy. I took my Venus razor and shaving cream and made my legs naked. That's better. I brushed my teeth and put on my Victoria secret lotion.

I put my hair in a donut bun. I can say that I have a fully stocked wardrobe thanks to me God Mother. I call her Gaga. She lives in Georgia and I live in Florida. I picked out, and white and blue oversized baseball jersey, ripped jeans, and my open toe closed heel 6'inch heels. Damn I looked good. I applied RiRi Woo lip stick, top eyeliner and mascara. Ready to go.

"Victoria, come down stairs!" My daddy yelled.

"Coming!" I screamed.

I went down stairs and my mommy and daddy were eating cereal and drinking coffee.

"GOODMORNING!" I sang with a smile on my face.

"Who is it?" My mommy winked

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You have a glow. A glow only a boy can give you." My mommy explained with a huge grin on her face. My mommy was one of those types of mothers that try to marry off their daughters at a young age.

"Their is no one." I lied.

"Mhmmm." My mom looked at me with a stern face.

"There better not be." My dad chimed in.

Well. That wasn't awkward. I chugged down my orange juice and downed my cereal. I kissed my parents bye and headed towards my car. Alone Together by Daley came on the radio. I loved this song. I sang along with the beautiful lyrics.

A definite silence.
Your almost exactly what I need.
A definite maybe
Your sure to entice my curiosity.
I can't help but think that this doesn't add up.
Trying to separate the fact from all the fiction.
Were living in a world of contradictions.
And if baby your the truth
Then I'm lying next to you.
When your the desert sand I'll be your water.
And your the perfect plan I never thought of.
I don't want to do this on my own.
An shouldn't have to be alone.
I would rather be alone together.
Be alone together.

Man that's a good song. The lyrics speak to me. I don't want to be alone anymore.

I approached the school and stormed to my locker. I saw Lauren, Chris, and Nicole.

"Hey guys!" I said as I place my books in my locker.

"Wassup. So Miss. Lover girl , how was your date." Chris snickered.

"Shut up. It wasn't a date. The first time he kissed me, it was without my permission and I slapped him." I explained

"You did WHAT?! TO WHO?!" Lauren yelled.

"You heard me." I whispered with a grin on my face.

"Umm. Loverboy two o'clock!" Nicole shrilled.

"What?" I turned around to see Thomas walking towards me, with roses in his hand. I've never seen him do this to any girl. I turned back around to see my so-called friends running away to watch from a distance. All the girls in the hallway were giving me dirty looks of jealousy.

"Good morning gorgeous." He said in the most sexiest husky voice. It sounded like he just woke up. He handed me the roses and I'm still shocked that they are for me.

"Thank you. But what are they for?" I asked.

"I have to talk to you. But after class." He responded.

Titan (Interracial Love Story) BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now