Titan Chapter 22

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GUYS I HIT ONE THOUSAND HITS! Honestly I didn't think anyone would read it! Thank you guys for all your support! I'm adding chapters and I think I will stop the book at 40 chapters. Now the question is.... Should I do a sequel? Comment yes or no! Enjoy this chapter!

Victoria's POV~~~~

Thanks to the slut Lars I got In School Suspension for three days. Since she hit me first, Lara got 10 days of out of school suspension. I told her not to put her hands on me. I do feel bad for breaking her nose though. If she wasn't a hoe who slept with Thomas then none of this would have happened. Speaking of Thomas, I think I'm going to start "us" again. Missing him, him missing me, has got to stop. He gave me roses and a necklace. It's time to move on from this minor set back and work on out relationship.

"Sit over there." Mr. Cameron grumbled. You can tell he hates this job. He had to sit here with delinquents all day. I started rambling in my mind until I realized who Mr. Cameron was talking to. It was Austin. His blonde hair swished in his face and he green eyes connected with mine. He smiled when he saw me. Austin made his way to the empty seat next to me. His tall 6'6 stature towered me. Finally he took his seat and broke eye contact. What was he doing in here?

"Psst." I tried to ignore it. Mr. Cameron isn't someone to mess with. I couldn't get in anymore trouble than I already have.

"Pssssssssttttt." Austin obnoxiously whispered. I had enough!

"What?!" I whispered a little too loudly.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked in a lower tone.

"I beat Lara's ass." I said proudly. She messed with the wrong one.

"Are you serious?" He laughed. I shook my head up and down in achievement.

"What are you doing in here?" My curiosity pipped in.

"Me and Chris got in to it." He admitted.

"What?! " I yelled.

"Be quiet over there!" Mr. Cameron shouted

"What?" I whispered again.

"He got in my face so I pushed him." He answered.

"What happened between you guys anyway?" I asked. Everyone always wants to know but they never told anyone.

"I'm going to tell you because I like you." I blushed a little but after he said that.. STOP IT VIC YOU LOVE TOMMY!

Before Austin could say anything the bell for lunch. Austin got up an walked out of class. Dammit! I really wanted to know. But I need to patch things up with Tommy before I do anything else.

I walked down the hallway in search for Tommy. I miss his lips against mine. I couldn't wait to be back with him. Walking down the halls girls were giving me bad looks. They couldn't grasp the fact that I was with Thomas.

There he was. His hair was scruffier today and he had a little facial hair. It's cute. He wore an obey sweater and khaki pants. His vans were black with his name in red at the bottom. Once he saw me approaching him his face lit up with a smile.

"Look Vic before you say anything I have stuff to say. I'm an idiot. I let people get in the way of our relationship. The death of my dad really messed me up. I just.... I love you so much. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm so sorry." He rambled.

"Shh." I grabbed his face to make him look me in the eyes. "Don't cheat on me ever again. There won't be second chance. I love you so much." I whispered. I wanted to cry but I held it in. I pulled his face to mine and our lips crashed. I missed these lips so much.

I pulled away because I could hear people whistling and hooting at us.
"So you forgive me?" He asked.

"I forgave you the day it happend. I just needed time to think about why you would do something like that to me." I explained. He smiled again and we kissed. I felt complete again. We walked hand in hand to the lunchroom.

Titan (Interracial Love Story) BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now