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****Grace's POV****

We all stood up from the circle and I have Dom a hug. You could tell that everyone was being edgy with each other and knew that the three in danger had been voted for.

"That means someone voted for us." I whispered in his ear. "This place is so just snakes."

"I know but we all have to vote for someone and we know what it's like having to vote for someone you don't want to vote for."

"I just hope we don't go. I'm not ready for this experience to end."

"I know but if I went now I wouldn't be unhappy. I know that I've won already with you being here and leaving with you." He said and gave me a hug. "We're not going to be that moody couple, we've got a chance of going home tomorrow so we need to make the most of it."

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Chris then came over and Dom walked away so we could have a chat. He gave me a hug before we sat down, by the now empty fire pit.

"How you feeling?" He asked.

"It's rubbish knowing that someone in here wants you to go home, but you've got to accept it."

"We found it hard because we don't want anyone to go home."

"That's the same with us." I said. "It's weird to think that in a couple of days time we'll have to move out of here."

"I know. Just thinking about going back to work is making me want to cry."

"Are you going to move in with Olivia then?"

"Yeah." He replied. "That's what I said on the date and all going well I intend to keep that promise."

"I'm happy for you."

"I'm happy for you too. This isn't the end for our friendship either, I'm sure I'll come up north and meet the Campbell family."

"You better. I honestly think they would love you."


I woke up the next morning and could see that everyone was still quite tense. I turned over to find that Dom had already got up so I made my way into the changing area to get ready. I decided on a pink bikini before going outside.

"How are you feeling?" Olivia asked as I walked into the kitchen area. "Dom said you've both kind of tried to move on."

"I'm trying to move on but I do feel kind of betrayed, even though I shouldn't feel that way."

"I've been feeling like that all night. Knowing that I've gone against one couple in here is really playing on my mind."

Just then Kem got a text. "Islanders it's time for a challenge. You will be taking part in the villa championships 2017."

"This better be something funny."


We made our way down to the challenge arena and took our positions at the podium. In the first challenge the boys had to plant as many kisses as possible on their girls and Alex and Montana won that round. For the second challenge the girls had to stick as much paper on the boys as possible and Alex and Montana also won that.

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