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****Grace's POV****

I woke up the next morning to the sound of babies crying loudly, which echoed all around the house. We all went down the stairs and found that we all had a baby to look after.

"You can't deny he is very cute." I told Dom. "What shall we call him?"

"Maybe like Jack?" He asked.

"I think that's cute." I told him. "Should we go and have a cuddle in bed?"

"We need to bring the baby though."

We made our way back upstairs and led in bed with the baby between us. She'd stopped screaming but he wasn't falling asleep.

"You're going to have to change the nappy at some point." I said. "I can't d all the changes."

"I wouldn't expect you to. I want to be that hands on parent."

"This is like a look into our future. Not that I want kids anytime soon, but I would like some in the future."


After our little nap I made my way into the changing room to get dressed whilst Dom looked after the baby. I decided on a white swimsuit with a lace neck.

I then took the baby from Dom and stopped him crying before making my way out to Chris.

"So are you ready to be a parent?" I asked and sat down next to him.

"We called him cash, what do you think?" He asked. "I feel like I'm doing quite well though, I've put his little hat on and he's got his favourite toy."

"I'm really liking this task. It feels like I'm home again because there's always babies in my family."

"Does Dom want a baby?"

"I don't know, I think he's inside with the boys now and I'm left holding the baby, so I would presume not."

"How does this work for a woman then?" He asked. "Like do you get all broody just looking at him?"

"I think it just depends who you are because I'm quite broody now, but girls like Olivia just don't want it. My baby has been quite straightforward though, so that should help."

"Does this just make you a bit teary though?" He asked and I could see tears in his eyes. "Like just watching them."

"No get a grip. I can't believe you're actually crying over a plastic toy."

"It's not funny. Shut up."


Dom made his way outside and he took the baby from me so I could have a chat with all the other girls. I made my way over to Cam and we went and sat by the pool.

"It's so funny watching some of the couples." I said.

"I know. Like Chris before he didn't have a clue what to do, and he was so adamant he wouldn't be changing a nappy."

"I think this task is like made for me because I just love that motherly instinct."

"I know."

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