Danielle's Metaphor's ~1~ B.O.L extra

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"Angels, Devils

and all in between,

all hail she,

the headless Queen.

Her life not her own,

twice dead she has been."



"Armour suit,

black as night,

take off the helmet,

nought inside it.

In one hand

a bloody blade

The other,

a band aid."



"Nest of bees,

buzzing all the time.

Nest of bees,

cussing all the time."


     Geoff :

"Clawless Sloth,

slow moving,

Moths sit in

shaggy moss.

Clawless, Sloth,

you are useless.

To swim or climb

you cannot.

Stuck on the ground

for all time. "


a/n. These are the metaphors for a few characters from Breath of Life on my VioletMyth account. One character in particular sees people symbolically. Where these were referenced in the book, all but Kate's metaphor were not mentioned in full.

I wanted to post this up as a bonus on reaching 500 votes on B.O.L & as a Thank You to readers.

[It may also end up in an appendix once the story has been completed]

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