Pep Talk "Mental Walkies" ~ Part 2/2 ~ Blog

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Remember the mind is like an under walked dog.

Some people have pugs for brains. You know, get out of breath quickly and have to be carried by their masters, snores a lot, even whilst awake.

Others, on the other hand, have grey hound shaped cranium. Fast, reliable, likes ripping the small mistakes in other people's grammar to pieces. Not brilliant around very small animals (children) unless its own creation.

Directly between we have those with Retriever like thinking skills, between useful, fast, loyal, always coming up with new ways to entertain or to have a purpose. Generally good to talk to and stay young a long time despite taking on extra responsibility and being easier to train in domesticated ways (too bad most men don't have these qualities, women everywhere would be delighted).  Generally this last type is best with kids. I have one of these for a mother.

But if your doggy brain isn't taken out for a breather, given the needed intellectual exercise and food or is not allowed to expel any crap it may be storing up, it will most likely go from pug to non-existent.

So a book is a good idea, then a phone call to rant to one of your mates afterwards, with a tub of chunky monkey or your preferred dessert. If anyone asks, you need the calcium and the doctors told you to fatten up because you're too skinny. If you are already the right weight or above, make your point that the curse of the curves is not easily come by and must be worked for with hard slog and chocolate eating rituals.

a/n Please note, I realise many men have retriever like qualities and as many women lack them. Although at the time I was less convinced of the equal ratio.  (My dad is partial retriever, partial greyhound + a dash of pug. So cross-breeding is very possible too)

Thank you for reading the explosion of my mind rants. xox

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