Pep Talk "Go Do." ~ Part 1/2 ~ Blog

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Where do I go from here? The first line in many that beg another question, how did I get where I am and was it worth it? Of course, this is assuming you count them both as one question.

In my experience every question is a statement in itself. Because if you have to ask any of the above it means that tragedy has hit your life, bad things have happened. You've made the wrong choices or let someone else make them for you. At the end of the day, and all those other clichés you wish you could ban from existence, you are where you are. Where you go from there shouldn't matter. Unless you're in a rut, because then there is no go.

Anyway. The point is plain and simple.

Don't wait for the answer to come to you.  You know that thing you do when you sit around moping, crying your eyes out, wishing the end of that red wine bottle hadn't come so soon?


Because you're better than that, and if you aren't, it would be nice to experience the change of treating yourself like you are better than that.

Go out, go do.

If you're looking for a job, rejoice in all your free time (depending on family restraints that is) and just talk to people about perspective jobs. Preferably in places you'd actually enjoy working. If that fails, have fun with friends, try sleeping in the park for a night, for a thrill or to find out what life's going to be like when the debt collectors call to evict you from your house. Learn to live on nothing and love it.

Become successful at not worrying. If you don't worry, even when bad stuff happens it doesn't seem so bad. It's like, 'I'm sick and day time telly sucks.' Seriously? That's why the DVD was invented. If you're too lazy to stick the disc in, you deserve to be watching reruns.

 All the more, read a book if you don't like watching too much tv. It's good for the brain apparently. Give's it a little walking time.

a/n Please note, I was partially writing this to myself when I was searching for work a couple years ago. This is not aimed at any person other than myself. But if you can relate, or find any of it funny. Then I salute you for taking the time to read.

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