Promise me

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Ruby's pov

Eventually we stopped hugging and took a trip to the park to go and talk about everything.

"Hey Ruby, why didn't you come to me if you were still thinking about everything?" Weiss said disappointedly.

"I didn't come to you Weiss, well no one because I didn't want to drag them down with all my problems, and if I tell people they just think I want attention for it or pity. I don't want people's pity. All this just makes me look pathetic Weiss. I'm sorry." It was true. I don't want to come off as weak it attention seeking because otter that's what people would think.

"Ruby, things like this. You need to tell people and get help. And no you aren't dragging me down if you tell me. I'm supposed to be here for you no matter what and I am and always will be, and I know you aren't just doing this for attention I know that you are really hurting. But please Ruby, after today promise me one thing. After today never cut ever again."

"I promise." I said. Why keep a promise I can't keep. I just lied. Why am I doing this to people.

"Wanna go out to eat?" Weiss offered.

"Yeah that would be nice." I replied.

We walked to a near by cafe and eventually sat down. "So Weiss what's anything new been going on or anything besides all this stuff about me..." I said and looked down in embarrassment. I honestly regret cutting now. Making her worry about me. Maybe she doesn't even trust me anymore. I wouldn't blame her to be honest.

"Well actually I joined a singing club! There is going to be a show soon and I got a solo. I'm so excited you should so come." Weiss said very happy. She seemed so happy and excited about this. I knew she would sing but I didn't know she liked it this much.

"Really? That's awesome Weiss I will definitely come to watch you. How long have you been singing for." I asked because she is actually really good.

"Every since I was 8 I started singing. Eventually I got singing lessons and yeah." She said with a smile.

"That good I'm happy you found something you love to do." I said.

"Yeah but I love you more Ruby." She said and I blushed then she smirked.

"I love you too." I replied with a real smile.

"Alright lets go tell the others about the concert!" She said obviously still really excited about it.

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