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Third person pov

It had been a few days since Ruby gave Weiss the bracelet and their friends noticed, especially hanji and Yang. They were just screaming about it you could not even tell what they were saying. But eventually everyone noticed something was up with Sun so they called a meeting in in Ruby's room.

"Alright everyone I'm assuming everyone knows why we called this meeting." Ruby said. Then Sun put his hand up.

"Um no wh-" he was interrupted by a knock on the door. Weiss opened it and it was Neptune...ever since he started being a jerk about them dating he had kinda left the friend group.

Weiss sighed,"Do you need something Neptune." she said with with some sass in her voice. Then room went silent.

"Look Weiss Ruby I wanted to talk to you guys." He said. They both were very confused and they both just sighed. They walked out of their dorm and Neptune began to explain.

"Weiss and Ruby I wanted to say I'm really sorry for everything that I've said and everything that has happened between the three of us. I totally support you both and your guys relationship. I want to be friends with you both again but I understand if you guys don't want to. The reason I said those things is because I believed that homosexuality was wrong because well I'm gay..." both girls stood there in shock then Weiss smirked and Ruby was giggling.

"Neptune we forgive you but I just have a question. Do you have any guy in mind?" Ruby asked.

"Well see...its sun." He was looking down not wanting to make eye contact with either one of the girls.

"Wow didn't see that coming." Weiss smirked. Then her eyes went wide and she pulled Ruby aside leaving Neptune confused.

"Wei-" Ruby began to speak but we interrupted by Weiss.

"What if this is why Sun is acting weird! Maybe he likes him back!" Then suddenly hanji poped out of nowhere and yelled, "I KNEW IT MY SHIP LIKE OH MA-" she was cut off by Ruby telling her to sush.

They walked back over to where Neptune was and he still had a confused look on his face. He was also probably wondering where Hanji came from.

"Neptune stayed here we will be out shortly." Ruby had a serious voice. There was no messing around when it came to her ships.


They waked in now with Hanji and then Weiss began speaking. "Alright everyone! I believe everyone knows why we are here today except for Sun. As everyone has noticed Sun had been acting weird lately. Care to explain?" Weiss then stepped down while Ruby and her push sun to the front of the room.

"Um guys I don't why you think I'm acting weird really ever-" he was then cut off by Yang.

"HE IS FULL OF IT. I KNOW IT.  HANJI OVER HERE NOW." Yang finished and Hanji started heading towards her. Then Yang whispered, "I think he is in love hanji what do you think of this situation." Sun had the most confused face ever. He was wondering what those two were talking about.

"Hanji then whispered back, "I was thinking the same thin also." Hanji then explained what the situation was about with Neptune and then Yang started screeching. She then ran over to Blake and told her and Blake just smirked while looking at sun. Again Sun has the most confused face ever wondering what his crazy friends are up to...

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