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Third pov

After all of Ruby's classes today she realized she is failing some of them. 'This is jut great I can't bring Weiss, Yang, and Blake down we are all a team.' If one of them have bad grades it affects the others.

Ruby was laying in her bed and she decided to ask Weiss for help. "Weiss can you come here?" She yelled.

"Yeah I'll be there in a sec!" Weiss responded. Then she made it in their room I'm a few seconds.

"Weiss can you help me study, I realized that I'm failing in some of my classes...mostly math." Ruby said looking down.

"Of course Ruby! We are a team and I am your girlfriend after all." She said with a smirk. Ruby looked away hiding her blush.

10 minutes later

"No! Wrong, do it again." Weiss said in a stern voice. They have been working in this problem for ten minutes now.

"I'll show you how to do it again Ruby." Weiss sighed. Ruby just slowly nodded.

After Weiss did a problem Ruby tried. "Is this right Weiss?" Ruby said full of hope.

"Yes that is right, now do the rest." She said

2 hours later

They have been studying for a few hours. Eventually they got past math and went to other subjects she needed to work on. They invited Yang and Blake but they were probably busy with a make out session knowing them.

Ruby and Weiss both eventually fell asleep. Ruby was leaning on the table and Weiss was laying on her lap. Weiss woke up and noticed Ruby was asleep so she made sure to be careful she checked the time and it was 2:47 am 'this is great' Weiss thought.

Weiss did not look that strong but she was. She picked up Ruby carefully and put her in her bed. "Goodnight Ruby." She whispered. Weiss walked back to her own bed thinking of Ruby and everyone like Yang, Blake, Jaune, Pyrra, and everyone else and how thankful she was to run into them at Beacon. She couldn't imagine it without them her with her.

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