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A/N: this chapter might trigger people and it's about Ruby's takes quite a turn...

Third person pov

Weiss was in shock of what she saw after Ruby pulled off her shirt and saw all of her scars. Weiss was also feeling the emotion of anger wanting to know who did this to Ruby.

"I'll explain all when I was around 14 my father would go on business trips and I would have to stay with this man named Adam who my father trusted..." Ruby was trying to hold back the tears but she knew she couldn't. "-and when I was over there he did things to me..." Weiss was now furious. She wanted to kill whoever did this. She wrapped her arms around Ruby hoping to soothe her while she began talking again. "and well Adam would start to hit me and beat me when I wouldn't cooperate, when he was trying-" rape Weiss couldn't believe it. "and so this went in for awhile when my father went on trips...and then the only person I told was Yang...she's the one who told my dad I was too afraid or scared to tell him thinking he wouldn't believe me, and long story short he was arrested eventually."

Right when Ruby stopped talking she dug her head into Weiss' chest sobbing. A few tears also ran down Weiss' cheeks.

While Weiss was hugging Ruby she was trying to soothe her. "Shh shh, it is over now Ruby. I'll be here with it forever and nothing like that will ever happen to you again Ruby."

Then a few moments later Weiss whispered in her ear

"I love you."

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