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Ruby's pov

*2 weeks later*
Weiss and I have actually been getting along. I guess you could call us friends now, but I finally realized that I have a crush on her. Knowing her she's probably straight and she is always starring at this dude named Neptune. It's really obviously that she likes him. I told Blake, Yang, and Jaune about my crush on Weiss and thankfully they are okay with it.

"Ruby!" I heard Weiss from the other room shout.

"Yes?"I replied

She walked in our room and began to talk. "So the dance is coming up and we should go pick out our dresses!" I was hoping that she would ask me but I knew that wouldn't happen. I shouldn't let this get to me but, it hurts.

"Yeah sure lets go." I said. We invite Blake and Yang. We all got the same dress but in different colors. Mine was red, Yang's was yellow, Blake's was black, and Weiss got a white one.

As the four of us started walking back I saw Neptune, ew. He started walking towards us.

"Hey Weiss, I have a question for you but I say we go out for a bit if you want. let's go get something to eat and talk about it."  He made me sick.

"Yeah let's go!" Weiss said. This makes me mad.

As they left Blake started talking.

"Hey Ruby are you okay?" She knows I have a crush on Weiss and so does Yang.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine Blake." I said trying to hide the fact I wasn't but failed.

"No you are not, we know you like Weiss and Yang and I want to help."

"How can you help when she is obviously 'in love' in Neptune. There is no way she has even thought about dating me, or any girl." I said looking down.

"C'mon let's go to my dorm you can hang out with us for a bit and invite the others so you can cheer up." Yang suggested so that's what we did.

We invited Jaune, Pyrra, Ren, Nora, and Penny and they all eventually arrived.

"So um Ruby I may have told everyone about Weiss." Jaune said not making eye contact. Honestly I don't really care if they know do it's fine.

"It's okay Jaune, I trust everyone that's here." Hoping that he's not nervous anymore.

"So Ruby! How are thing going with Weiss?" Nora said obviously wanting to know.

"Going, it's going nowhere. On our way home we saw Neptune and they went out somewhere together and she obviously doesn't like me like that."

"Well why don't you ask her to the dance it's tomorrow!" Penny suggested.

"Ok I will tonight. She probably won't even think of it in the way I am though."

"You'll never know." Said Pyrra in her sweet voice.

"I guess I'll be heading back, it's getting late. See you all tomorrow!" With that I left and went back to my dorm to see Weiss.

"Ruby guess what? Neptune and I are going to the dance! I can't believe this is happening!" Weiss said

"Oh that's great Weiss." Not making eye contact.

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