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Ruby's pov

Life has been a lot lately. When I first hit here my head was so full of these thoughts about my bast and I just couldn't think. I used to harm myself but when I got to college and met Weiss that all changed. Every time I see her and her beautiful hair and hear her voice I'm just full of joy and happiness. She pulled me out of the darkness...which I am very thankful for. Whenever I'm sad I want her to hold me like she did last night and I know that she is always there for me. I felt the need to do something special for her. I went to the jewelry store and bought these beautiful bracelets with engraved patterns on them and they have a lock in the middle so when you put them on you have to use a key to get it off. On one of the bracelets it says weiss and on the other one it says ruby.

Time skip

"Hey Weiss want to go somewhere tonight."

"Sure. Where?" She questioned.

"Now that is a surprise."

We were walking and I was leading her her to where we were going and it was a park near by. We brought a blanket to set lay down in on the ground. We eventually got everything settled and started looking at the stars. I sat up and began to talk.

"Weiss there something I need to tell you." I said. I could tell that my cheeks were tinted red.

"Alright is everything alright Ruby?"

"Yes everything is fine but here is what I wanted to say. When I first met you even though we didn't particularly like each other I always took notice and an interest in you. Every time I see you I always want to smile and ever time you touch me I feel something go through me and I never want you to leave my side. I remember when I first had a crush on you and I told Jaune and then Jaune told literally everyone else." I said with a chuckle. "I was always so jealous when Neptune was near you because I wanted to be by your side not him. You always make me feel better when I'm sad and now I know you are the one for me forever. I can always trust you and tell you everything. I can always come to you and count on you and you can always come to me and count on me.  I hope you know that Weiss. I love you." And as I said that I pulled out the bracelet that said Ruby and put it on her wrist as the moonlight reflected off of it. Everything was perfect.

I looked up and I saw Weiss crying. "Ruby..." she then pulled me into a long passionate kiss. I knew that I would never forget this night or my love for Weiss. I showed her my bracelet also. We later there in the night under the stars while I rested my head in the crook of her neck. We sat in a comfortable silence enjoying the night. I wish we could stay like this forever because at the moment everything was perfect but we both knew we would soon have to go back to reality. So we enjoyed everything while it lasted.

A/N: ok so this was probably really cheesy but I hope you all liked it ^~^

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