5 Years

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"F-Five years...?" Nolen stared at his girlfriend in shock,"Five fucking years...?" Piper looked at the doorway with wide eyes. "N-No! Nolen, sweetheart! Come back!" Nolen dropped the beautiful bouquet of red, orange, pink, and white tulips, along with the small black box he held, and ran out of the room.

Piper yelled after him as Nolen ran out of the apartment building and into the rain. They lived in a town that seemed to be constantly raining, and so it made sense that it was now. But it made him more heartbroken than he already was. His black hair fell into his eyes as he ran faster.

Nolen and Piper had been together for 7 years, ever since they were seventeen. And today, after a long day at work, he wanted to suprise her by popping the question. But, obviously she had other plans. "WHY ME!?"

Nolen was always a good kid. He never treated others badly, he always got good grades, he lost his virginity on his 21st birthday (mainly because Piper pressured him). Heck, he never even swore until he graduated high school. Piper was more of a...bad girl? She started smoking when she turned fifteen, she lost her virginity at fourteen, she constantly swore, and she never listened to rules.

But despite that Nolen loved her. He loved her ever since junior high, but he never told her that until high school.

Nolen choked on a sob as he felt his heart shattering. She was his only love. He never even spared a glance to other women because she was the only one that ever clouded his thoughts. The rain began to get worse and the wind began to pick up, but Nolen was too obsorbed in his thoughts to notice.

That was until he heard the sound of a horn.

Looking up, he saw headlights coming towards him. His eyes widened slightly before he closed them altogether.

The sound of tires screeching across cement as the car tried to stop but couldn't. At least, not in time. And right then, Nolen took his final breath.

Lesson~ Don't cheat on your lover. If you loved them you wouldn't even think to.

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