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"No..." The grave was freshly dug. "No..." Cold rain poured down on Himimari as she stared at the stone in pure agony. "Why did you do this?..." Her voice sounded broken, just as she looked. "You promised me..." The bags under her eyes were more noticeable as she glared down. Her fists balled. "W-why?! Why did you do this?! YOU BASTARD!!! I-I-I!" She fell to the ground while sobbing quietly.

"Y-you promised me! Why did you do this?!" The name on the grave could be easily read which made her even more angry, yet saddened to a sense it almost made her want to die. "I loved you...Why did you leave me?..." They had dreams together, not literal ones because he couldn't dream, but more or less promises were made between them.

They helped each other throughout life, and he promised that one day they would be away from it all...and together...forever.
"You liar...You promised..." She could still remember his caramel colored hair and his chocolate brown eyes that always had dark circles around them. "Liar..." She gripped the muddy, wet grass. She remembered the day he promised. Everything he promised.

"Ekinim! You have to promise me..." He sighed and turned away. "What the hell do you want me to say Himimari? Huh? I don't know what to say..."  "J-just promise me...Please!" Himimari begged while hugging his back to keep him from leaving. "Please.." She whispered softly. He sighed again and turned around. "Okay. I promise. I promise to never forget you. I promise to never leave you alone in this world. One day, I'll come back for you. I'll take you out of this town, and we can move to the country. I promise this, as long as you promise, you'll wait..?" He almost questioned the last part before he felt her snuggle into his chest.

The tears that were once in her eyes had dried and she grinned at him. "Of course I'll wait! Even if I'm old when you come back, don't ever doubt that I will move on! You'll always be my first and only love." He smiled down at her as she held out her hand. "Promise?" He laughed at her puppy dog eyes and shook her hand,"Promise."  And with that she kissed his cheek and let him get on his plane. "Promise..." She whispered while feeling a tear run down her cheek as she watched the plane fly off.

"WHY DID YOU PROMISE SOMETHING YOU COULDN'T KEEP!!?" Her voice was hoarse from yelling. "I-I know you had a hard time with everything going on, but...y-you promised m-me..." She cried harder and harder. Two months after he promised, he committed suicide. "Ekinim...I'll still wait, though you better have kept your promise when I get up there...please? For me?"

Lesson~ Keep a promise, even if you're gone before you can fulfill it. Your loved ones will wait for you.

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