Good Enough

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"I'm weak..." One more cut to add to the collection on my arm. "I'm worthless...I'm ugly...I'm weird." Blood covered my right arm and my fingers smudged it around, smearing it across my skin.

"I'm unwanted. I'm a mistake. I'm a freak. I'm predictable." I let out an insane laugh and gripped my head with my blood covered hands. "They knew I would do this...They knew because I'm weak..."

I clenched my eyes shut as my breathing got heavier from anger. "THEY KNEW!" My eyes shot open. "I'm a puppet! I'm a nobody! I am worthless!! I DON'T BELONG!" I threw the blood stained knife across my room where it landed with a clink.

Big fat ugly tears rolled down my cheeks and I fell out of the desk chair. The floor beneath me was also stained with blood, but this blood was older. My sobs began to get louder and louder to the point that they echoed throughout my room.

My eyes were red and puffy but tears kept falling. "I-I'm not good enough...I ne-never was..." My lips quivered noticeably in saddness. I then clenched my eyes shut again and let out an ear piercing scream of agony. "WHY CAN'T I BE GOOD ENOUGH!?"

Lesson~ Sometimes we don't feel good enough for society, and it can completely break us.

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