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"Lord, what did I do to deserve this?"

Her name is Hope. It had been her name for nine years and in not one of those years did someone call her Belle again.

"I chose your path, the path of faith. I chose to put my honesty in you and ask for your forgiveness when I sinned."

Hope. She wanted to be called that because when she was called Belle, hope was something hard to come by.

"But this life that I live, its a lie!"

Hope had took many years to achieve this level of gratitude towards her Lord and savior. But in the end, she still made it; In the end, she was still alive.

"My Lord, have I disappointed you?"

She gave up everything for it. Her faith was the only thing she had left. Family had died, loved ones had passed away- yet she was still there. Still trying to be blessed.

"Is my hope enough?"

She bit her lip, anxiously waiting for a response that would not come. Her teal eyes remained closed and her voice cracked as she asked her next question.

"D-Do I matter to you..?"

She let out a humorless laugh and stood up from her knees. She walked away from the statue of Jesus on the cross and out of the church completely. I...I guess not... Her eyes were welled up with tears but she didn't dare let one out.

"Hope will never be enough..."

Lesson~ Don't give up everything for something that might not be meant to happen.

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