Someone Else

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I tried to tell. They told me not to lie. And so I stayed honest. I never told a single lie, but they never believed me. Now I have trust issues. I tried to ask. They told me to speak up. And so I was never quiet. I spoke up just like they said, but they yelled at me to quiet down. Now I don't say anything.

I tried to see. They told me to keep my nose out of others business. And so I never paid any mind to others. I stayed out of peoples business, but they didn't seem to care. Now I'm antisocial. I tried to be myself. They told me to be someone else. And so I did. I never stayed true to who I was, but that broke me. Now I don't like who I am.

I tried for them. But they still threw me away. The tears of my unwritten sadness stain any pages I try to write, and so it will never be told how I feel. Yet I keep trying to write the pages. I keep trying to say something. And in the end, I always fail.

I don't like many things now. Like the sun, it reminds me of a time I had hope. Crowds, they remind me of all the people that were trying to control my life. Loud noises, they remind me of the costant fighting. Smiles, I'm not sure if they are real or not. I feel...miserable. Honestly, it's not all their fault. It's mine.

I was the one who listened. I was the one who decided. If they were right about anyhing, it was about how lies can ruin everything. I have only ever told one lie. And it was about who I was. The only person I ever lied to was myelf.

Lesson~ Acting like you're someone you're not isn't always the best option.

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