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The blistering sun from her window boiled her pale skin. She squinted her eyes through her sunglasses to read the paper that stuck to her apartment door. Scowling, she ripped it up and threw it down on her floor. A single tear ran down her cheek as she took another gulp of whiskey. The bottle was halfway empty-yet she wasn't wasted- she only had a light buzz.

It was a hot summer day and Bailee didn't dare go outside. She had really sensitive eyes and skin, which ruined every bit of her childhood. Slamming the door, she slid down it and downed as much whiskey as she could. She remembered how she once felt so invincible to every problem. But that was when she believed she still had a chance in this world. That had been ten years ago, when she was 12. Everything went downhill after that.

Her family disowned her. Her 'friends' abandoned her. The only emotions anyone ever felt towards her were hate and pity. Though she wouldn't except pity. So she drank away any meaning her life had- and she tried to forget. She only had one person who cared for her, which was her younger sister Himimari, who undoubtedly forgot about Bailee.

Her frosty white hair was a mess, as it hadn't been brushed in awhile. Her electric blue eyes seemed even duller than they were under her sunglasses. They had no sparkle; no shimmer of life. The eviction notice that she had torn up laid at her feet, though the date was still readable. June 27th. She still had a week left. Standing up from her crouched position she wiped away the tears that had fallen from her eyes.

Bailee walked to the couch and sat down before falling on her side. A smash was heard as she dropped the bottle of whiskey. Bailee pulled her knees up to her and began sobbing quietly. Why do I have these problems...? Tears flowed like rivers and she knew that once the sun set, she was heading to a bar to get drunk. Because especially when she was sad, she had to erase it all somehow.

Lesson~ We all have our own way with problems, but we can't give up hope, because then we won't ever solve them.

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