My Brother

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"H-Hey Demin?" He stopped humming and opened his mint colored eyes to stare down at me. "Hm?" Tears made my purple eyes glossy. "Are mommy a-and daddy okay?" My nose seemed to burn slightly as my vision went blurry. "Yeah...Of course they will be..." His voice cracked making me unsure. He bit his lip and tilted his head towards the ceiling. "Don't loose faith Linaf...There are some people in this world who give up,...don't be one of those people..."

My bottom lip quivered and I looked down at my hands. Demin began to rock me back and forth again while humming. I gulped down a cry that tried to reach my throat. My brother's light brown hair was a mess, but so was mine. Tears continuously crept out of my brother's closed eyes and yet, neither of us spoke. We just listened to the yells and shouts of our parents from downstairs. That tiny closet we sat in was like a safe place where no one could reach us. "I love you Demin..."

I shot awake as tears fled my eyes. I brushed back my long messy hair while panting loudly. Sweat clung to my forehead and neck making me feel sticky. The entire house was quiet signaling everyone else was asleep. I looked around at all the other girls that lay sound asleep in the small room. They all ranged from 5 to 16. "I love you...Demin..." My voice was quiet and airy as it rang throughout the air.

I felt flashes of memories pour through my head. I gripped my head in pain and slowly laid back down. Quiet sobs racked my body and I kept my hands over my eyes. "Linaf?" A sweet voice made me jump. "Y-Yes Chi?" The little 6 year old held her pink bear close as she stared at me. "Are you okay?" I sniffled some more. I sat up once again and this time got out of my cheap bed to walk over to her. She was sitting up in her bed with the blankets pooled around her.

Her unique blue eyes complimented her slightly chubby cheeks and pitch black hair that framed her face perfectly. "Of course I am Chi, come on, lets go back to bed." I spoke softly before kissing her forehead and pushing her down lightly. Slowly she complied. "Linaf? Who were you dreaming about?" I froze in place. "Was it that boy who you mutter about in your sleep?" Tears filled my eyes. "Isn't his name Demin?" I bit my lip and slowly nodded.

"Y-Yes...He was my brother..." Chi looked confused before she asked another question. "Where is your brother now?" I squeezed my eyes shut as more memories came to my head. "H-He's....He's gone. H-He left..." She gave me another questioning stare, but before she could ask another question I covered her up. "Goodnight Chi, I'll see you in the morning." She nodded and turned over to face the window.

Silently I crept back to my bed and laid down on my left side. My eyes slowly closed as I drifted back to sleep. "Demin? DEMIN WHERE ARE YOU!?" Sweat glistened against my skin while soot covered some of my face. "Demin!" I stood outside the burning house, checking for my brother. He had woken me up and was right behind me when we were getting least I thought he was.

"D-Demin! Stop playing games! Demin!!" Tears began to fill my purple eyes as I stared at the doorway which was open and letting out tons of smoke. I fell to my knees in despair. "DEMIN!"  My eyes shot open once more and looked up towards the sky. "Demin...? Why did you leave me here...?"

Lesson~ Sometimes beautiful memories can haunt you forever.

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