I Remember

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Her normal lively green eyes were dull as she stared blankly at the white wall. Many people had tried to talk to her, but not one succeeded in getting her to speak. She ignored them and stared at the wall, barely even blinking. When she was asleep she would whimper and whine in pain, but other than that, those were the only things that came out of her mouth.

She also wouldn't touch her food or water. They had to put tubes in her that nourished her body and kept her from dehydrating. But she didn't care. After what those people did to her she wanted to disappear. She was also pregnant. But she wouldn't talk to anyone so they didn't know what to do, or if she even wanted the baby.

Her dad walked in, followed by her twin brother. She payed them no mind and stared at the wall, completely still. Her father sat down in the chair next to her bed and let out a weak laugh. "It's funny, you and your brother were born in the room across from this one..." Her twin brother, Haden chuckled weakly as well, but soon both of their faces dropped into sad expressions as she ignored their attempts at getting her to talk.

The white room was silent but soon both men looked up to see Tera smiling sadly as tears ran down her cheeks. "...." She slowly turned to face them as she let out a soft chuckle before looking down at her hands. They both had tears filling their eyes as well, they could tell she felt broken. "...I remember them...every last one of them..." Her voice was raspy from not talking in two months, but that didn't matter to them, they were more concerned on what she was saying.

"I...I try to forget...but every night...as soon as I fall asleep I see their faces looming over me again..." She clenched her hands into fists as tears softly hit the white sheet. She turned to face them again, this time with tears streaming down her face as her bottom lip quivered. "I told them to leave me alone! But they wouldn't! I tried! I-I-I! I TRIED!!" Sobs racked her body she felt everything she had been holding in slowly fall off of her shoulders.

She was engulfed by the two males as they both attempted to calm her down as she let out sob after sob. She could still remember the feeling every time she closed her eyes. The feeling of pain and sorrow. The feeling of her hope dying. The feeling of disgust in her self. She remembered it all like it was yesterday, and in 7 months she would have a constant reminder of those days.

Because she couldn't forget. Everything served to remind her over and over that she was raped by multiple men, over and over for two weeks. That was, until the police found her beaten and bruised in an alley. But by then the old Tera had died and in her place was a lifeless doll. Tera was gone, and too bad. She was never coming back.

Lesson~ There are some terrible people out there, ones that will break away any part of you.

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