Jason x reader

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Thats right, its our favorite deceased ginger around, Jason Blossom.

When you were six, you didn't exactly know or understand what was going on. Soon, you were packed into the family car, your home town disappearing quickly.

After several hours of driving, you arrived. Riverdale.

Your mom had been talking incessantly about the new opportunity for the family buisness in Riverdale.

Maple syrup was quite t  booming industry where you come from, you made tons of money off of it. You wondered where could be better.

Soon, your father tugged you alongside him as the whole family set out to meet the neighbors.


A ginger man answered the door with twins hanging off either of his legs.

"Hello, my name is y/father's/n, this is y/mother's/n, and this little peanut is my six year old, y/n." Your father greeted the man.

"Ah," the man reached his hand out to shake," I'm Clifford Blossom. My wife, Penelope is in the living room, and these are my children, Cheryl and Jason."

"I hear you too, are in the maple syrup buisness?" Your mom offers.

Clifford nods, slightly pushing his children out of the door. "Kids, go and play. We have buisness to discuss."

You looked up at your dad, him nodding for you to go too.

For the first few minutes, every one sat in silence and stared at one another.

Jason jumped up and said we would all be playing tag.

Cheryl ran away instantly, but you strategically picked a place to run to.

Jason chased after you, sensing your hesitation.

You both giggled as the wind whipped your hair around, blurring your vision. Occasionally you would glance back and look at how close Jason was.

During one of these moments, he was dangerously close. When you turned to look, you tripped over a tree branch.

You closed your eyes, preparing for the impact. But Jason's hand was closed tight around your wrist, holding you up.

You released a breath, thanking him.


As time had gone by, the three of you were nearly inseparable.

The trio ruled the halls of Riverdale. And Jason was crowned king of eighth grade formal, you the queen.


You can pinpoint the exact moment that you fell in love with him, now that you look back at your time together.

It was when he caught you that day. Too bad he couldn't catch you as you fell for him.

You were sleeping. It was probably 6 in the morning on a beautiful Saturday. Your cell phone rang, waking you.

You leaned over to quiet it, but it rang once more seconds later.

The caller I.D told you that it was your best friend Cheryl.

What could she want at 6 am?

"Hello?" You answered still half asleep.

"Jason's dead." Cheryl said simply. The sentence woke you up immediately.

"What? Cheryl that's not funny."

"Yeah, I know it's not! My brother is dead, y/n. Kevin found him last night."

You hung up the phone, covering your mouth in shock. You didn't even know that you were sobbing violently until your mom entered your room.

She wrapped her arms around you to quiet you down, but it only made it worse.

You laid in bed for 4 days, the only reason you got up was Jason's funeral.

You approached the closed casket, Clifford watching you suspreviously the whole time.

Your pale hand shook as you slowly reached out and placed your hand upon the polished wood.

You could feel him. You could feel him underneath your hand and you sighed. Your eyes couldn't cry anymore, and you were glad that you couldn't.

You felt dead as well.

A piece of you died with Jason Blossom.

     Peace, hugs, and Riverdale love ~K


-Has a sister
-has a girlfriend that's a Cooper
-hahah, I'm literally the worst.

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