Preference 1

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           Where you meet

Archie: Being the resident watertroll (Reggie Mantle had coined it, we rolled with it) for the Riverdale High football team had its downsides. You were constantly running water to football players, walking in spit and sweat, and being disrespected. Though some upsides were that it brought you closer to the one and only Archie Andrews.

Jughead: Thrift stores were a direct gift to this earth from God himself. Brand names for dirt cheap, useful knick nacks, and your personal favorite, used books. You loved to read books straight off the printing press, but you also loved to eat, and you couldn't afford to do both. Therefore 99 cent books were your best friend. One afternoon after school you found yourself browsing the science fiction section, in need of a new murder mystery. After picking up a few, you couldn't find any to satisfy your taste. Then a boy about your age approaches, offering his very own manuscript as reading material. You gladly accepted. He put his number with it, you know, for feedback ;)

Reggie: Your parents owned the local sports shop, and Reggie just happened to buy new sports stuff every week. Once he saw you in there, he sleuthed his way into finding out your parents owned the store. So he found himself making up excuses to buy stuff. This time, you rang him up. When you slid the receipt over to him for his signature, he returned it after a few seconds with his signature and his number.

Betty: Sometimes taking honors classes was very stressful. Who am I kidding, all the time. Honors English however, was a favorite of yours. You sat right behind Betty Cooper, Riverdale's resident writer. You also loved to write, so when your teacher partnered you two up, you were ecstatic. You had a small crush on her, but failed to make a move.  She invited you over for the project, but even after you two presented, she kept inviting you over.

Veronica: Your dad was one of Hiram Lodge's buisness partners. You met Veronica when your dad sent you to visit Hiram for negotiations. Veronica happened to be visiting her father that day. You two got to talking, and became fast companions.

Cheryl: As a y/l/n, the maple syrup industry was booming for your family. That being said, your partner family were the Blossoms. Operating in buisness together introduces you to Cheryl. Whenever her brother passed away, you became her closest partner.

  A/N: Do you guys want me to include Jason and Kevin? The pussycats? Please let me know.

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